Chapter Seventeen

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   She'd been watching the restaurant for almost a week and was finally assured that this was where he was residing. She'd been running from the people who owned her for more years than she could count, and it was only recently that she discovered something.

The people who had bought her, hired someone to put some sort of spell on her, causing her to never age. By the time she'd figured it out, many, many years had gone by. She learned how to undo the effects, and in doing so, also learned something about herself.

It was late into the night. She was sure the humans were all gone by now. In her arms, she held the sleeping bundle. She wished she didn't have to part with the precious little one, but if she kept it with her, she knew she wouldn't be able to protect it. She was hoping this option would be safer.

Going up to the unsupervised back entrance, she saw a cardboard box laying nearby. Kicking it with her foot, she managed to get it against the wall near the door. After placing the still sound bundle into the box comfortably, she reached for a pocket in her makeshift dress she wore under her cloak. From the pocket, she pulled out an almost two page letter, along with a photo a helpful human had agreed to take of both her, and her bright eyed bundle.

Tucking the objects between the blanket and the box, she said a last goodbye, before vanishing back into the dark.

✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

Walking through the building after having locked the front door, Sophie gave friendly smiles to whoever she passed. Making her way down the hall, she went into the stairwell that led out of the building via either the roof, or the backdoor.

Entering the small well, she was greeted with Springtrap standing there alone. "Oh, hello." Sophie greeted kindly. Springtrap merely looked at her, before staring back at a random spot on the wall.

"Can I ask you a favor?" Sophie cautiously asked. She knew Springtrap didn't trust her. He barely even liked her. "I'm going to go check if the door for the roof is locked. Can you see if that door," Sophie pointed to the door going out of the small room. "Is locked, please?"

Springtrap let out a small huff, before nodding. "Thank you!" Sophie said, before jogging up the staircase—the key ring on her belt clanging with every step.

The bunny begrudgingly straightened from leaning against the wall and went over to the door. Pushing on the bar, Springtrap was able to open the door. It was probably supposed to be locked.

Before letting it close, however, a nearby sound caught his ear. Stepping outside for a moment, Springtrap could hear what sounded to be the cries of a baby. Looking around, the bunny noticed a box.

Going over to it, Springtrap found the source of the crying. Crouching down, he was able to get a better look. Inside the box, wrapped up in what was a surprisingly warm looking blanket, was a little baby bunny. Its fur was a light yellow color, and its little ears were poking out of the blanket. There was almost something familiar looking about them.

While trying to find why this little bunny had been left in the alleyway, Springtrap picked him up. After doing so, he found what looked to be a letter and a photograph. As he held the baby in one arm, he used his opposite hand to grab the photo. Once he looked at it, he was shocked.

In the photo, was who looked to be SpringShine. She looked almost the same as she had the last day Springtrap had seen her. In her arms, she held the baby that was now resting in his own.

Quickly grabbing the letter, Springtrap adjusted his handle on the baby, and then sat on the step just by the back door. He read the letter.

"To SpringBonnie,

I hope that this has found you, I'd feel so awful if I'd left this in the hands of someone who'd only hurt him. If you have found this, then you're probably very confused.

To start, this is our son. That probably seems impossible, since we haven't seen each other since the diner closed, but I can explain. See, the people who bought me, had someone put me under some sort of spell. It made it so I wouldn't age, and since I was carrying our child at the time, he never grew either. Until I found how to reverse the effects, that is.

I'm leaving our son with you, since I won't be able to protect him. I'm currently being pursued by my owners, and if they find him... I don't wish to think about what they would do.

In case you're wondering if I've given our son a name, I have. If you don't like it, you can name him something different. I thought, since he looked like a little plush duplicate of his father, to call him Plushy. It's a silly name, now that I've written it down on paper, but I'll let you decide.

And one more thing. I don't know if 'Fazbear Entertainment' has decided to do the same with you—the spell I mean—but if they have, I may have information on how to reverse the effects. There's a magic powder that I had found in my owner's office before escaping. I found it contained in a glass bottle. It has a blue hue to it and can be used as a fragrant. That's how it worked for me. I hope that information will be useful for you.

Before you get any ideas, please, don't come find me. I wouldn't want you to be hurt also. Just know I'm safe, and I still love you with all of my heart.

Please take care of our son,


By the time he'd finished reading the letter, Springtrap hadn't noticed how his grip had tightened on the paper. He also hadn't noticed how 'Plushy' had settled and stopped crying.

Putting the paper down, Springtrap looked back to his son. His still gray colored eyes were staring up at his dad. "She was right." Springtrap started, a small tear falling down his face. "You do look like me." A small grin grew on Spring's face, as his son simply stared at him with a certain wonder only an infant could muster.

"Springtrap?" Sophie called, as she opened the back door. "What are you doing out here?" She asked him, looking towards him. "I... had to get something." Springtrap started, as he picked up the letter and photo. "I'm coming."

✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

"So we were right..." The Marionette said under his breath, after he and Gold had read Shine's letter. While they had, a small crowd had gathered around Springtrap—who was still cradling his son in his arms.

Coming back towards Springtrap, Chica gave him the bottle she'd just finished cleaning and had filled with milk. It was something she'd found from the lost and found, since the kitchen obviously didn't store baby bottles. "Here." Chica offered, handing the bottle to Springtrap. "Thanks."

Sophie was standing by, thinking. She felt terrible that Springtrap would have to take care of his son from where he was already lying low in the restaurant's basement. Bonbell had already offered the suggestion that they use the secluded room in said basement to set up a small cot for the baby to sleep in, but other than that, there wasn't much else by way of supplies Springtrap had available for the poor child.

"I have an idea." Sophie spoke up. Springtrap looked at her. "I can bring some supplies for him on my next shift if you want." The girl offered. "Are you sure?" Spring asked, to which Sophie nodded. "It's no problem. After All, you're going to need it." She pointed out.

Coming back over to his friend, Gold asked the obvious. "So, what's his name goin' to be?" Springtrap kept his gaze on his son while he held the bottle for him to drink from. "I'm going to use the name Shine picked."

"Which is what?" Chica wondered. "His name is Plushtrap—or Plushy, for short." He answered with a smile.

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