Chapter Eighteen

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  "Will you all excuse me for a minute?" Puppet excused, before leaving the room. Going towards the boss' office, the Marionette opened the door and entered.

Taking a moment to look around, he went towards Jenson's desk. He took a minute to rummage through all the drawers, but to no avail. Except for one drawer. But, it was unfortunately locked.

As Puppet was looking around the room for the drawer's key, Sophie entered the office. "What are you doing?" She asked, obviously confused. "I'm looking for a key."

"What kind of key?" Sophie pressed, as she watched the Marionette go over to a filing cabinet. Atop it, sat a small ceramic bowl that was clearly for decoration. It had various little do-dads or notes of paper, but buried underneath the items, "The key for the locked drawer." Puppet answered, as he took the key to the drawer.

Finding the key to unlock it, he pulled the drawer open. It looked to be just as well organized as the other desk drawers, and in no time, the Marionette found what he was looking for. A glass jar that could fit in the palm of a human's hand, whose content was dust-like in appearance, and had a blue hue.

"What is that?" Sophie wondered, as she watched Puppet close the drawer and stand up while holding the jar. "Something that might just help us." The Marionette explained, before then asking, "Think you can help me with something?" Sophie simply gave him a curious look.

The following night, after bringing the supplies to Springtrap, Sophie then set up the fragrance diffuser in the middle of one of the party rooms. She figured the dining area would be too big for this to work right, so instead, everyone gathered in the smaller party room.

"So, are you going to use this until it's empty?" Sophie asked the Puppet. "We probably should." He answered. "Ok then."

Deciding to take advantage of everyone being together, Sophie decided to begin asking some questions. "So, even though I haven't known you all for that long, I can obviously tell that you guys aren't entirely happy being here." Sophie observed, before hearing, "That's an understatement."

"What are you getting at?" Puppet then asked. "How long have you guys been here for? How long have you guys been working for this restaurant?" Sophie asked them. The entire group began to exchange glances with each other. They obviously weren't sure where to even start.

"Let's start with the diner." Gold suggested. "Back then, it was only myself, my brother, Spring, SpringShine and Puppet." He said, before those left from that group began explaining the 'golden years' that were 'Fredbear's Family Diner'. They told how that was the happiest anyone remembered feeling while working for humans.

Once they'd said their part, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy all had a bit to say. The three of them remember arriving to the company's warehouse and were hardly ever taken care of. That is, until they were brought to one of the first 'Freddy's' locations.

The gang began saying how things there started off normal, before they began getting bumpy near the end. Then, it got worse when they were moved to the next location. That was where the 'Toys' were introduced.

Letting the siblings speak, they had a similar story. They remembered the warehouse and being brought to the restaurant. They had been taken there a week before Freddy and his gang had. When they heard the older gang would be stored at their location, they waited to greet them with open arms.

The Toys and the Fazbear gang all told of the ups and downs of that place. Puppet told of the time he had a plush sewn to his hands, all while trying to convince the humans he had no magic at all.

Toy briefly mentioned her horrible experience with one of the employees. She barely shed any light on it but said just enough for Sophie to get the idea.

Then the Toys told how things got rocky after Freddy and them were relocated again. Telling of events that had happened all the way up to when the fire started.

Puppet told about how they'd accidentally sent him to one of the sister locations for an entire year, and he also told how that gang wasn't treated any nicer than the rest of them.

Then stories were shared about how things had been since they'd all been reunited in the restaurant they were in now.

Silence settled in the room. "Woah..." Was all Sophie could say. Just by her expression, everyone could tell how shocked she was. "So, all these years, they've basically treated you all like garbage?" A few nods were seen in the crowd, before Chica spoke up with, "I mean, not completely-"

"No, they have. You don't need to excuse the things they've put you through, Chica." Sophie told her. Simply hearing how she was going to even try to defend the company made Sophie realize the severity of abuse they had gotten from the humans.

"I want to make a promise." She then proposed. "I swear, no matter what it takes, I'm going to help you all find your freedom." Sophie told them. "You all may be used to it by now but take it from an outsider's perspective. The way they treat you is cruel, and none of you here deserve any of it." She explained.

"How do you propose to do that?" Gold asked her. Sophie thought for a minute. "I'm going to look into what the perks of being the operation manager are." She began. "I'm going to work my way as high up as I can, then use that to my advantage and help you all."

"And after you help us, then what? Where do we go from there?" Puppet questioned. "I don't know, but I swear we'll find a way to make your freedom happen. In time." Sophie promised again.

Some looks of hope were seen on people's faces, although the moment was almost ruined by a small gust that came from the diffuser, causing it to break into pieces. "What the-?!" Sophie exclaimed, as she held up an arm to shield herself from whatever that was.

The Marionette simply smiled. "I'm pretty sure it worked." He said, referring to what had happened. Everyone else in the room had flashbacks to that odd night those years ago, only this time, it felt like whatever happened then, happened in reverse.

"We're going to hold you to that promise, Sophie." The Marionette then said, seeing Sophie's posture go back to normal. She simply smiled and nodded.

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