Chapter Nineteen

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"Have either of you seen Toy?" Bonnie asked, having approached Foxy and Vixen who were sitting on the stage of pirates cove. "No." Foxy said first, before Vixen asked, "You can't find her?" Bonnie shook his head no. "Huh. Ask Ballora. Her and Toy were part of the same party today. Or, at least, I think so anyways."

"Thanks." Bonnie said, before trying to find one of their visitors.

While looking for Ballora, Bonnie heard Sophie call after him. "Hey, Bonnie?" The bunny looked in her direction. "Oh hey Sophie, I had a question." He said to her. "Oh, I did too, but you go first." Sophie offered.

"Have you seen Toy?" Sophie gave a nod, before answering with, "Yeah. I saw her go from the party rooms and towards either the supply, or employee closet." Then, she asked her question.

"Do you know where Puppet is?" Bonnie thought a moment, before he shook his head no. "I'm not sure." He answered. "Oh, well then, maybe I can ask Gold." Sophie supposed, before leaving the bunny to his search.

Following Sophie's answer, Bonnie made his way towards the two closets near the front entrance. Deciding to check the farthest one first, Bonnie opened the door of the employee closet. It was empty—save for the small lockers for the employee's.

He then turned his attention to the supply closet just across the way from the employee room. Opening the door, Bonnie could almost immediately hear quiet crying. Looking around the room, he spotted Toy curled in the corner crying.

Going over to her, the bunny sat by her. "What's wrong?" He asked, while putting an arm around her. Doing so was met with Toy leaning in for a hug. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she muttered, "I... h-hate humans..."

A small pause later, she then said, "Sophie's the a-acceptation..." Bonnie thought back to the other night. Toy had mentioned to everyone the terrible experience she'd had with one of the human employees. He could only assume something like that had happened again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bonnie offered, as he rubbed her back with his hand. Toy sniffled, before answering with, "T-They say talking h-helps... but I... d-don't want to..." She admitted. "That's ok too, Toy." Bonnie assured her, as he simply sat with her and gave her comfort.

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"Puppet? He's probably on the roof with Ballora." Gold began to explain. "You won't see them again until the end of your shift." Sophie gave a small understanding nod.

"Why do you ask?" Gold wondered. "Oh, I just had a question." Sophie told him, before adding, "Maybe you could shed some light on it?" The golden bear nodded, before listening to what she had to say.

"Do you guys remember what it was like before you had to work for humans?" Sophie curiously asked. Gold simply stared through her, trying to think on how to answer. An awkward silence ensued. "Um, Gold?"

"No. We don't have any clear memory of before we worked for humans." He answered. "'Clear memory'? What about 'unclear' memories?" Gold thought for a minute. "Any unclear memories would make no sense if I tried to explain." He began. "And I don't think anyone else remembers anything either." Gold explained. "Oh, ok then." Was all Sophie said in response, before she noticed Gold looking over her shoulder.

"Would you excuse me please?" He requested. She nodded, before watching the bear walk off towards Chica.

"Is something wrong?" Gold asked, as he saw Chica's violet eyes look towards him. "I don't know." She confessed, before elaborating. "I saw Freddy go towards the bathrooms a while ago, but he hasn't come back out yet." She explained. "And I'm not sure if-"

Chica was interrupted when the two heard what sounded like something hitting one of the stalls. At that, Gold rushed in to see what had happened.

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