Chapter Twenty

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  That mysterious stranger that had come into the restaurant a couple days ago had been haunting Freddy's thoughts since. Something about the person's eyes felt familiar, but he had no idea why. Especially since he had no other features to go off of.

While standing in front of one of the bathrooms' large mirrors, Freddy was staring hard into his own sapphire eyes, trying to make sense of that strange déjà vu feeling. He'd lost track of how long he'd been starring, when a flashback had suddenly come to him.

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"No...! Not my babies...!" What sounded like a woman's voice screamed desperately. Freddy turned around and could see the unclear silhouette of the person who had been screaming after them. She didn't appear human.

He could see she held something large in her arms. It looked to be the body of a young child—who didn't look like a human child. The child was limp in her arms.

Looking back forwards, Freddy could then see three tall human-like figures pulling at both himself and his older brother. They said nothing; but were awfully rough with the brothers as they pulled them further away.

The woman continued to cry and scream behind them, as they were taken further and further away. Looking back one more time, another figure had come towards the crying woman. Her screams had stopped, but the sobs continued. "No..." Freddy barely heard her say through another sob. Looking towards the new figure's face, he locked eyes with them. The same sapphire eyes the stranger had.

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The sudden memory took Freddy by extreme surprise, causing him to fall backwards and hit one of the closed empty bathroom stalls. It also came with a headache that felt worse thanks to his head hitting the metal stall door.

As he held his head in his hands, he wasn't aware of Gold coming in to see if he was ok. "Fred?!" He exclaimed, getting onto the ground next to his younger brother. "Are you ok??" He asked, trying to get Freddy's attention. "I..."

"Hey, look at me." Gold coaxed, while trying to grab onto one of his brother's hands that were holding onto his head. In doing so, Gold was met with a brief glance from his brother, before Freddy's gaze looked down again.

"What happened?" The older Fazbear asked. "I... think I... remembered something..." Freddy slowly said. "Remembered what?" Freddy was silent for a minute. "Freddy?"

"Do you remember anything from when we were kids?" Gold thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. I think I see bits of memories when I'm asleep. None of them make sense though." He answered, before then asking, "Why? What did you remember?" Freddy thought back to the strange flashback.

"I don't remember much, or any of the people I saw..." He began. "I had a flashback to this time when we were just kids. We were being taken from two other people who sort of looked like us." Gold gave his brother a curious look.

"One of them... she was sobbing and crying out to us. She also had a child in her arms who was limp." Freddy continued. "She was screaming to the people taking us away, to not take her 'babies' away from her." Gold was feeling as though what his brother was saying had actually happened. "Then the other figure went over to her, and we made eye contact."

"But, do you want to know what's strange?" Gold looked back to his brother. "Just the other day, this strange person dressed in black came into the restaurant. They came up to the stage and looked at me." Freddy explained. "And?"

"When we made eye contact, I couldn't help but feel like I'd seen them before. But I don't know where." The younger bear told, with a perplexed look on his face.

"Do you think there's others like us out there?" Freddy wondered. Gold simply sighed. "I'm not sure, but I'd like to think so." He said, trying to keep things hopeful.

Letting out a sigh, Freddy put a hand back to his head. "Are you ok?" Gold wondered. "I just have this headache all of a sudden." Freddy answered, before adding, "That weird memory just makes it worse."

"Then try not to think about it too much." Gold told him.

"Anyways, Chica Is starting to get worried about you." He explained. "Maybe just rest tonight, and you'll feel better later on." Gold suggested. "Yeah... maybe."

Finding Freedom {Freedom AU} [Book Two](FNAF/UT)Where stories live. Discover now