Chapter Twenty-One

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   "Well, it looks to me your performance during the night shift is..." Mr. Jenson paused a minute to think of the words to say. Trying to read the man's face was less than easy. Sophie wasn't sure if what he was about to say would be good. "Rather exceptional."

An inward sigh of relief ensued. "Thank you sir." Sophie thanked. "I only have one question." Sophie listened. "Did you happen to catch anyone coming into my office and going through my desk?" Sophie kept her expression of ignorance, although she was sure she knew what it was her boss was implying. "No sir, I haven't."

"Oh, I see." Mr. Jenson said with a curious hum. "Well, in any case, you can expect to see a raise in your salary." Sophie smiled. "Thank you."

"Right, I think that's everything. Unless you had something you wanted to say?" Sophie thought for a moment. She technically did have something she wanted to ask, but thought it was too early to do so. She would wait a while longer. "No, I don't." She simply answered, with a small shake of her head.

"In that case, you can go home now." Mr. Jenson dismissed. "Thank you."

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"I swear, I never knew cake could cover that much of a surface area!" Circus Baby said to Toy, as she had been rented for a birthday party that day. "You make the party I was helping with sound like a quiet dinner." Toy replied with a laugh.

"That's about the most excitement I've had in weeks." Baby confessed to her. "I don't doubt that." Toy answered, somewhat sympathetically. A couple of months ago, Baby and her gang had been moved to a warehouse. The sister location had closed, but they were still being rented out. So, whenever they weren't, a lot of them were stuck in the company's warehouse.

"Gold, for the last time, I don't know as much as you think I do." The Marionette answered, as the golden bear had been asking him about that topic again. "Then if you don't know any more than the rest of us, why don't you just tell me?" Gold asked, feeling as though the question would have Puppet backed in a corner so to say.

"Because, you don't want me to." Puppet said once more. "Why?!" Gold asked him for the umpteenth time. "I don't want to, Gold." Puppet answered, before walking away from the conversation. Gold simply let out a frustrated huff.

"Hi Puppet!" JJ greeted from the Pirate's Cove stage, while the Marionette walked by. Her and Foxy were juggling her purple and pink balls back and forth—JJ's hand-eye coordination looked impressive. The Marionette simply looked their way and briefly smiled, before walking off.

Heading into one of the almost empty party rooms, Puppet found Sophie seated at one of the tables. She had books and a binder sprawled out around where she sat. Looking up briefly from her textbook, she greeted with, "Oh, hi." Before marking something down in her binder with her pencil.

"Studying I see?" Puppet observed, as he sat across from her. "...Yup. There's a big test coming up." Sophie answered, all while finishing writing what it was she needed to. "What did you say you were taking again?"

"I'm working to get a degree in business administration. I'm going to need it to get that operations manager position." Sophie answered, without skipping a beat. "I guess you will."

"Speaking of studying," Sophie began next. "I've noticed there's this one book Bonbell seems to practically be dissecting. Is it that good?" She asked with a smirk. Puppet smiled and slowly shook his head. "He's not reading it to pass the time. I'm pretty sure he's studying it." He explained.

"What's it about?" Sophie wondered. "Well, it was left behind by one of the employees who, if I'm not mistaken, was studying for medical school." Puppet started. "I'm pretty sure it's a smaller medical textbook they left behind." He explained, before adding, "Bon managed to hang on to it so it wouldn't get lost in that fire some years ago."

Sophie had a curious look on her face from having heard that. "I didn't realize he was interested in that kind of thing." She admitted. "Well, he's interested in figuring out how to take care of us in the case anyone gets hurt, or sick." Puppet elaborated. "Huh. Interesting."

"Oh?" Puppet asked. "There is this book store in town that sells used books. I might be able to get a bargain on medical material." Sophie thought aloud. "You would do that?" Sophie nodded. "There's a discount going on anyways, might as well jump on it. Right?" Puppet nodded, and answered, "I suppose you should." Sophie smiled.

The following night, Sophie showed up to her shift with a small duffle bag. Almost half of its contents were medical books and old textbooks that she'd found at the bookstore. There was a surprising variety. And since she already knew that Toy enjoyed reading quite a bit, Sophie also bought some titles that looked interesting.

"Where on earth are we going to keep these?" Bonbell asked, as he and Toy looked through all the books. "You said there's a secret room in the basement, right?" Bon nodded. "Keep them there."

"Aren't there some wooden palettes down there too?" Bonnie suddenly asked. "Yeah, that's where those are kept." Sophie answered. "I could see what the technicians have for tools and put together a makeshift bookshelf for these." The bunny offered. "You can do that?" Toy asked, just as surprised as the next person from the offer. "I'll definitely try!"

"Thanks." Bon then said.

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