Chapter Twenty-Two

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   "Well, that's about all there is to it." Said the restaurant's general manager, Jodi Swanson. The entire day, she had been shadowed by one of the employees, Sophie Grant. It was the first of the small handful of shift shadowing Sophie would be doing.

"I can already tell how busy your job can get." Sophie commented, as she pulled her jacket from her small locker. "That's just the start." Jodi began again. "'You sure you can handle this position?"

"Oh yes. I plan to go all the way." Jodi gave Sophie a skeptical look. "Why here?" Sophie was confused by the question. "You know, you'd probably be making much more if you go for a high up position at the five star diner elsewhere in the city, right?" Jodi asked. "I know that."

"Then why pursue this place?" The manager wondered. "I have my reasons." Sophie answered, before then saying, "See you later." With that, she left.

The next several months were met with Sophie studying hard. She was close to getting her degree in business. At the same time, she was also going through any or all library books she could find, trying to figure out anything about where the crew came from.

The best she could find, from all the books she'd found, was something about a legend of a monster species that had been imprisoned in Mt. Ebott centuries ago. The mountain just so happened to be located outside the very city they were in. Finding that info led Sophie down a rabbit trail.

By the end of it, she concluded these "monsters" weren't what her friends were. She'd hit a rock wall in trying to find an answer to that.

Looking at the time on her watch, Sophie gathered her books up, before leaving her small apartment. She didn't want to be late for the night shift.

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"Eight... Nine... Ten! Ready or not, here we come!" BB exclaimed, after having counted to ten for the game of hide and seek. Taking hold on little Plushy's hand, the boy then said, "Come on Plushy! Let's go find everyone!"

"'Kay!" Plushy exclaimed, as the two practically ran off—BB being mindful to not make the little bunny trip.

"So, how's the shadowing going?" Puppet asked Sophie, who was in a conversation with both himself and Freddy. "Good. I'll officially be starting that position once I get my business degree."

"When will that be?" Freddy curiously wondered. "I'll be graduating college by the summer. Then, I'll be starting some time after that." Sophie answered with a smile, as she took a sip of her coffee she'd obtained on her way to work. "We're glad to hear it."

Looking across the room, Sophie could see the twins and Plushy running around trying to find those who were hiding. She had this picture in her mind, envisioning them running to play outside like other kids, instead of having to do it inside a restaurant because they were 'owned' by a company.

In fact, she had this image of everyone she could see in the room, living out normal lives similar to herself and the rest of the human population. But, she just wasn't sure how she was going to make it happen. Since she swore she would, however, she was going to. No matter what.

Finding Freedom {Freedom AU} [Book Two](FNAF/UT)Where stories live. Discover now