Chapter Twenty-Three

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   Rushing down the street of the newly populated part of town, Papyrus quickly entered the just as newly opened Guard Station. Since the monsters had been freed from the underground by Frisk, they had been continuously building their lives on the surface.

In doing so, one of the skeleton brothers—previously from Snowdin—had finally landed a position with the guard. Granted, it was still a small position, but with how great he was, he was sure he'd climb the ranks in no time!

Entering the station, Papyrus was immediately met with the head of Asgore's royal guard. "REPORTING FOR DUTY, UNDYNE!" Papyrus exclaimed pridefully. "Glad to see. Look, I have to meet up with Asgore and a couple others for a meeting with the humans. We need extra hands here." Undyne exclaimed. "UNDERSTOOD!"

"Thanks! I'll be back soon." Undyne said, before leaving for the meeting the officials of Newer Home were going to hold with the officials of the monster town's neighbouring city.

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"I must say, Grant, I've never seen someone as devoted to their job here as you." Mr. Jenson expressed. "You have excelled in your performance as one of the general managers." Sophie smiled and said, "Thank you sir."

"I'm going to promote you." Her boss announced. Sophie's eyes widened a bit. She wasn't entirely surprised, since she had been working for this promotion. But, she was glad to have finally earned it. "I don't know what to say..."

"The operations manager here recently got transferred to another location out of state, so the slot has opened." Jenson explained to her. "I wouldn't want any other manager to take the position."

"Of course. Thank you sir." Sophie gladly thanked. "You are welcome, Grant."

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"What's this about 'monsters'?" Puppet asked Sophie after she'd brought it up. "There was a whole civilization of monsters that were trapped in Mt. Ebott for centuries. A human, I think they said her name is Frisk, freed them." Sophie explained. "Wow, I can't comprehend having been trapped for centuries. It must've been wonderful being able to return up on the surface again." Gold commented.

"And now that they're back on the surface, they've been working on their relationship with us humans, so they can live in peace." Sophie also added.

"Anyways, when I heard about all this, I got this idea." Puppet and Gold gave her curious looks. "I'm going to go to them for help." The confused looks were still looking at her. Sophie looked to the Marionette. "You said it yourself. Where are you guys supposed to go after gaining your freedom? I'm hoping I can get their help with that!" She elaborated.

"Do you think they would help us?" Gold wondered. "I hope so."

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Sophie was sitting and waiting in Newer Home's town hall. She'd been told that in a few minutes, she'd be able to meet with Asgore himself. After waiting for what felt like an eternity, a kind monster led her down a hall.

Entering an office, the monster announced, "Here you are, sir." Before leaving to do her work. "Please, come in." Said the deep, yet kind sounding voice of Asgore Dreemur. Walking into the office, Sophie looked around the room and found the monster king sitting on his office couch. With the couch, was a coffee table. It had a pot of tea, and Asgore was putting down his cup of tea.

"Please, sit." Asgore offered, gesturing to the smaller couch just by the one he sat on. Accepting the offer, Sophie went over and sat down.

"Would you like some tea? I grew the golden flowers for it myself." Sophie gave a polite smile, before she just as politely declined. "Very well. To each their own." Asgore answered.

"What brings you here? The only humans we ever have come to my office are usually officials." Asgore asked her. "I have a, erm, predicament? Well, actually, that's putting it lightly." Sophie explained. "Oh?"

"I was hoping you could help, since you understand what it's like being oppressed by my kind." Sophie continued. Asgore simply gave her a look of interest and allowed her to continue. "I have some friends who, since before I was even born, have pretty much been enslaved by a company of humans." Asgore's look of interest turned to one of concern.

Sophie proceeded to tell the monster king about the gang being controlled by Fazbear Entertainment. She told of the abuse, and how they aren't capable of leaving. She also told how she promised to free them.

"So, I guess what I want to ask is-" Sophie was cut off. "If we will help them find their way after they've been freed?" Sophie nodded with a somewhat pleading look. Asgore gave her a gentle smile. "We'd be happy to help them."

The monster king then requested, "Do you suppose you could arrange for me to meet with them?" Sophie thought for a minute. That seemed like a complicated, yet reasonable request. "Maybe not all of them, but you could meet with a couple of them. See, some have secretly been taking refuge in the restaurant and the company hasn't noticed." She started. "From what I understand, if those hiding get found out, things won't end up well for them."

"I see. Well, how about this. Leave me a way to contact you. Speak with them, and we can arrange a meeting. How does that sound?" Sophie nodded. "Thank you. You have no idea how much this will mean to them!" Asgore smiled. "It's my pleasure. We will be able to help them, Miss Grant.

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