Chapter Twenty-Four

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   Sophie had a spring in her step as she came in for her night shift. She had a lot to say to them.

The moment she locked the front door, she immediately approached the Marionette. "I talked to the monster king, Asgore." She started, instantaneously gaining his full attention. "He wants to meet with some of you and has agreed to help you all once I've found a way to get your freedom." Puppet's eyes widened.

"He has?" Sophie nodded excitedly.

"How will we meet with him?" Puppet wondered. "I was thinking, we could arrange a meeting with Gold and maybe Springtrap?" The Marionette thought for a moment. "I think we'd better talk this over with them, before deciding that." He suggested. Sophie gave an understanding nod, before the two went to find them.

Some time later in the night, Foxy and Vixen were sitting quietly together. Just recently, Vix had been put out of order. It was because she hadn't been feeling quite like herself the past couple of days. When she finally let Bon convince her to let him look her over, he told his sister that she was expecting.

And now, the fox couple weren't sure how to feel about the news. On the one hand, it was exciting that they were going to be parents, but on the other, they wished they didn't have to bring their child into a world of being enslaved to humans. That prospect upset them.

After both herself and Puppet had spoken to Gold and Springtrap, they had all decided that Sophie should arrange for Asgore to meet the two of them.

Having left the basement, Sophie found herself in the dining area. Looking across the room, she noticed how Foxy and Vixen looked a bit upset. She also noticed Chica elsewhere in the room, who looked as though she probably knew why they were upset.

Approaching her, Sophie asked, "Do you know why they look upset?" With a nod towards the Cove. "Yes." Chica started. "Vix is pregnant." Sophie then understood why that would be upsetting. "And, are they upset because of this whole situation?" Chica nodded.

Sophie sighed. "Tell them not to worry." She requested of Chica. "I have to go do something." Chica nodded, before going over to the couple.

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"And you have no recollection of your lives before the company?" Asgore asked. Gold and Spring both shook their heads. "We don't understand why none of us have any memories from before then." Gold said. Asgore thought for a moment.

"Perhaps it was some sort of magic that did this to you all." Asgore supposed. "And you know magic?" Springtrap wondered. Asgore nodded. "Of course. Magic is what us monsters are made of." He explained, before asking, "Have any of you magic?" Gold nodded. "Some of us have magical abilities, but I don't think we're made of magic."

"I see. Your kind falls in this middle ground, so to speak." Asgore thought aloud. "That is interesting."

"So, Soph said you agreed to help us. Do you?" Springtrap asked. "Yes, we actually have measures already in place for helping monsters integrate with life on the surface. It hasn't been easy for all of us, unfortunately."

Gold smiled. "You've no idea how glad everyone will be to hear this, sir." Asgore smiled also. "I'm glad we'll be able to help you."

A knock on the office door was met with Asgore calling the person in. Sophie entered the office, Plushy holding onto her hand with one of his own, the other held an almost finished ice cream cone she'd bought him. "So?" Sophie asked, as she let go of Plushy's hand. He promptly went over to his father.

"If you need help with getting them to our town, please contact me." Asgore offered. Sophie smiled, as the offer obviously indicated that the idea was to go forward. "Thank you." She thanked, as Gold and Spring stood up.

"And thank you for your time." Gold then thanked.

As the four began to exit the office, two other monsters rushed in. Or, rather, one rushed in. The other teleported into the room in a rushed manner. "A-Asgore! W-We h-have news on t-the... the!" The short yellow dino looking monster tried explaining. The equally short skeleton monster explained instead. "We just had a breakthrough with the 'project'!" He exclaimed. "He woke up!"

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