Chapter Twenty-Five

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    Sophie let out a sigh from where she sat. She was at one of the dining tables with her laptop open, checking her work email. Trying to come up with a plan that would work in taking all of them from the restaurant to Newer Home wasn't anything easy. But, by now, everyone's anticipation was growing as they waited to be brought from the horrible company's control. And, Sophie had promised to deliver.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked, as he came to sit by her. Looking at the bunny, Sophie answered, "Huh? Oh, I've been trying to come up with a plan to get you guys out of here, but I've got nothing so far." Before looking back to her inbox.

"I was trying to see if I couldn't find a way to replace you all with animatronics from another location. My idea was that, if I could, then I'd be able to take you guys from here, and to Newer Home." The young lady elaborated. "And, I'm guessin' from that disheartened sigh, that the idea didn't work?" Sophie shook her head no.

"Do you want help trying to come up with somethin'?" Bonnie offered. Sophie gave him a grateful smile and nodded.

Elsewhere in the building, BB was sitting by himself in one of the party rooms. He was resting his head on his arms. Having noticed the lone boy sitting in the room while walking through the hall, Fredrick came to see what was wrong.

"Hello, BB." He greeted, as he went to sit down next to the kid. "Hi..." The boy practically mumbled.

"Is something the matter?" Fred wondered. "No... I'm ok." BB lied. The bear put a hand on his shoulder. "You don't appear to be 'ok', BB." He pointed out. "Do you wish to talk about it?"

BB's blue eyes met Fredrick's light blue ones, before the boy then said, "Why don't I have a real name like everyone else?" The bear paused for a moment. "What do you mean?"

"All of you have real names, like Foxy, Bonnie, and even Jenny! But I'm just 'Balloon Boy'." BB started. "And all of the kids who come here have real names too. Why don't I have one?" Fredrick tried not to give the boy an upset look. "Perhaps you do, but you've just forgotten?" He suggested. "Then why won't the humans call me by my real name?"

"It may be, they just haven't been told what your real name is." Fredrick answered. BB let out a small sigh.

Thinking for a moment, Fredrick had an idea. "Would you like to pick a name for yourself?" BB's eyes lit up a bit. "Can I?" He asked curiously. "I don't see why not." A smile began to grow on the boy's face, as he began to think. "Hmm..."

After a long moment, BB spoke up again. "I like 'Luca'!" He exclaimed, looking to Fredrick for his opinion. "It's a wonderful name. Are you sure it's the one you'd like to have?" BB nodded excitedly. "Very well then, Luca." Fredrick said with a smile. Before he knew it, Luca had run off to tell anyone who would listen about his new name.

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Standing towards a corner of the roof, Freddy and Chica were both staring into the horizon while also holding onto each other. "I still can't believe we'll be free soon." Chica commented. "Me neither."

"What will we even do when we are free?" She wondered. Freddy thought about that for a moment. "Should we settle down? Or will we be able to travel?" Chica began to think out loud. "I mean, even if we could travel, I'm not sure I'd want to." She confessed.

Looking up to Freddy, she then asked, "What do you think?" As they were locked in each other's gaze, Freddy let go of Chica. Moving his hands into hers, he started with, "I think settling down would be nice." Continuing, he then said, "But, I already know the first thing I'll want to do once we're free."

"Oh?" Chica wondered. "Chica, when I first met you, I could tell there was something special about you." Freddy began. "And, when our relationship started to grow, there wasn't a doubt in my mind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." Chica was a bit confused as to where he was going with this. "Freddy, what are you-"

Her words were interrupted, when she watched Freddy get down on one knee. "One of the very first things I want to do when we leave here is for us to get married." Chica's eyes widened. "Chica, will you marry me?" She could feel small tears of joy from the corners of her eyes as she began to smile. "Yes!" Chica exclaimed. "Yes! Of course I will!" With that, Freddy stood up and the two were in each other's embrace again.

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