Chapter Twenty-Six

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   "Are you sure this will work?" Puppet asked. Sophie had just finished explaining the plan to himself, Gold, Springtrap and Freddy. "It has to. I've thought this through a thousand times, and I don't see how it couldn't!" She answered excitedly.

"But, what if the people working at the warehouse call and say we're not there?" Freddy questioned, sounding a bit skeptical. "If they do, it'll be too late by then. You guys will be safe and sound in Newer Home." Sophie assured.

"So, it'll be only you 'transportin' us?" Gold wondered. "No, but with my position, I can get one of the minimum wage employees to accompany me. They won't cause any problems, because they aren't being paid to care." Sophie explained. "Ah. I see."

"When is this supposed to happen?" Puppet asked next. "Well, this location is going to close in a few days. I think they'll want to bring you all to the warehouse first." Sophie speculated. The Marionette had a skeptical look on his face. "What?"

"Well, it's just that, when this place was barely furnished, was when they decided to start bringing us in. I'm just a bit skeptical, is all." Sophie gave an understanding nod. "I get it. I'll pull some strings to 'transport' you guys out of here as soon as possible." She answered, making air quotes on the word transport.

"What about the sister location crew?" Puppet began. "They've been stuck in the company warehouse for a long time now. Will you be able to help them?" Sophie nodded. "Once you guys are taken care of, I'm going to go down to the warehouse to get them. Don't worry." She assured him.

"If you say it'll work..." Sophie nodded confidently. "I know it'll work!" She exclaimed, before adding, "By this time next week, you all will be free individuals!" The group smiled at what she said.

✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

"So, we can expect their arrival within the week?" Sophie nodded in answer to Asgore's question. "Wonderful. I will be sure Toriel knows, that way, her and the others will be waiting for them when you all arrive." Asgore explained. "Thank you."

"Are you ok?" Asked Undyne, who was also planning to have some of the guards help with the whole ordeal. "Pardon?" Sophie asked. "You look kinda tired." Asgore looked as though he could also notice. "Yea, well, a little. I've been picking up a lot of shifts to stay on top for this plan." She started. "Once this is all over, I'm going to cut way down on my hours for my own sake."

"See that you do, it wouldn't be wise to run yourself into the ground—even if you are helping people." Asgore told her. "Thank you for the concern, but I assure you, that won't happen." Sophie repeated.

After a small lull in the conversation, Sophie spoke up again. "Well then, I will contact you as soon as we have a day set for this!" She said, before taking her leave of the office to go home.

✧✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧

It was Sophie's final night shift in that location. By now, the restaurant had been closed down for two days. Walking into the main dining area, Sophie could already tell the walls were almost bare of posters and kids drawings. All the tables had been stripped of their brightly patterned tablecloths and party hats. Some party streamers were still yet to be taken down, and the floor was still to be swept.

After taking notice of those, she noticed how nobody was standing on the show stages. Those who were on them, were snuggled up against a wall resting with a significant other, and those who weren't could probably be found elsewhere. That was to be expected, since they'd hadn't been performing for a whole forty-eight hours.

Setting herself up at a dining table, Sophie turned on her laptop. She had an email to make for one of the minimum wage employees for the transport.

The current location was moving, and the company was going to downgrade. In doing so, they were also going to use fresh new versions of the original gang. These new characters were called the 'Rockstars'. Business hadn't been great the past couple years, so the company thought trying something completely new would bring customers back.

Either way, Sophie didn't care so long as the plan worked, and she still got to keep her job. She had come up with several advantages to still working for 'Fazbear Entertainment' even after the crew were freed. An example would be if the company tried anything funny once they realized what had happened. Sophie would be able to whistle blow to the others.

She was hoping something like that wouldn't happen.

"Hey here." Gold greeted suddenly. Sophie's heart jumped a beat, since a moment ago, the chair across from her was empty. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack??" She quietly exclaimed. Everyone had already been getting used to more normal sleep patterns. She didn't want to wake anyone nearby from sleep.

"Sorry 'bout that." The golden bear apologized. "Yea, no, it's alright." She assured him once she made sure her heart hadn't stopped.

"I'm surprised you're here tonight." Gold confessed, as his arms supported his head above the table. "Oh?" Sophie asked curiously, whilst her web browser loaded. "I would've thought you'd be home restin', considerin' tomorrow." Gold elaborated. "Oh, I see what you mean. Don't worry about me, it's nothing."

"Really?" He asked further. "Yes, really. My all-nighters in college were worse than this." Sophie confessed. "If you say so."

"I say so." Gold smirked. "I'll leave you to whatever it is your doin' then." Sophie shook her head and smiled, before the golden bear vanished again.

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