Chapter Twenty-Seven

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   "Asgore!" Toriel called out through the group of monsters who were volunteering that day. "Yes?" He answered, coming towards her. "Are they on their way?" Asgore nodded. "I've just contacted Miss Grant, informing her where to bring them."

"Good." Toriel responded with a smile. "Mom?" Frisk called from elsewhere. "Oh, coming my child!"

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Sophie had just finished doing a run through the entire building to make sure she didn't miss anyone. She even made sure to check the secret room in the basement, and she also checked for anything anyone might've left behind. There wasn't anything.

Coming back out to the truck, the employee helping her, Robby, was leaning against the passenger side door as he scrolled through stuff on his phone. Ignoring him a bit longer, Sophie hopped into the back of the truck.

"Ok, everyone is here, right?" The question was met with affirmatives from a couple people. She smiled. "Great. I'm closing the door, and we can get on our way." She announced, before leaving the truck. Once she'd latched the door, she went around front.

"Hop in." She said, before making her way to the driver's side. Robby did as he was told, once he'd put his phone in his pocket.

Some time later, and the sign for Newer Home was coming into sight. "The warehouse is in that monster town?" Robby asked, obviously confused. Sophie remained silent as she held her grip on the steering wheel.

Driving the large truck to where Asgore had said, she saw a large group of monsters all standing next to a fair sized parking lot. The lot was for a large double story building. It had a blank sign also, but it just looked like they hadn't put any title up yet.

Pulling the truck into the parking lot, Sophie pulled the keys from the ignition. "Hold on." Robby spoke up. "Why are we here?" Anticipating the question, Sophie made a reach for her purse. Pulling out her wallet, she took out a $100 bill.

Holding the bill just within Robby's reach, she finally answered. "When you report back to the boss, we brought the characters back to the warehouse. And no, we didn't pick up anything else besides the new 'Rockstars' while we were there." Robby looked severely confused.

"You want the money, or no?" Sophie asked him. The employee slowly reached for the bill. He tried taking it from her, but she wouldn't let go. "Swear to me, not a word of this to Jenson." Robby nodded. "Yea, I swear."

"Good." A smile suddenly appeared on Sophie's face. "You stay here, I'll be back in a couple minutes." With that, the operations manager got out of the cab. From there, she made her way to the back of the truck.

As she went to unlatch it, Asgore, Toriel, Undyne and others gathered just nearby to greet the newest members of their town. Pulling both halves of the door open, Sophie called everyone out. The group began to exit the back of the truck, some helping others.

"Welcome everyone!" Asgore's almost bellowing voice gladly welcomed. Freddy and the Marionette were the first to approach the monsters. "We're glad you all made it here safely." The monster king expressed, as he shook hands with the two of them. "Thank you." Puppet thanked her, first.

Toriel then spoke up. "Please, come with us, and we'll see about getting you all settled." Everyone had thankful smiles, as they were led into the building.

Stopping Puppet, Sophie said to him, "I'll be back soon with the others." He smiled, before thanking her.

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