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   "I can't wait to open this place!" Chica expressed, as her husband pulled her against himself. "I'm excited for you." Freddy expressed. "Cupcake!" Carl exclaimed from the countertop. The three were standing inside the newly furnished café that Chica was planning to open.

The small building was right near the middle of town and wasn't being used, so she thought a café would be a wonderful idea. Sure, elsewhere in town, Muffet had her own spider goods café that was incredibly popular amongst the town, but her food was targeted more towards monsters. With Chica's café, she was hoping to also cater visiting humans.

Suddenly, the bell of the front entrance opened. The couple looked in the door's direction, and saw the door slowly closing again—despite nobody being there to begin with. Turning back around, Gold was standing barely a foot away from them.

The sudden appearance caused them to jump. "Why?!" Freddy asked, as his brother simply laughed. "Because, it's amusing!" Freddy simply shook his head, as Chica let out a giggle.

"What brings you here?" She then asked her brother-in-law. "I was nearby and decided to see how it was goin' here." Gold answered, as he looked around the room. "It looks wonderful." He complimented. "Thanks!" Chica responded.

"Would you like tea or coffee?" Chica offered, to which the bear happily took up.

It had been a year since everyone had been freed from the strings of Fazbear Entertainment. Everyone was pretty well settled. Not long after they'd arrived in town, did Freddy and Chica get married. Although, they weren't the only ones. Foxy and Vixen also tied the knot before they became parents to unidentical twin fox cubs. A girl and a boy, whom they named Jessica—or Jesse—and Foxy Jr.

There were some houses in Newer Home that were waiting to be lived in. Many of the gang took up residence in them, while some preferred the smaller comforts of an apartment, such as Fredrick and Gold—among other people.

Once Bonbell was set and settled into his apartment, he went to see if he couldn't study under some of the town's doctors. He was currently pursuing that career. He even had the honor to study under the—previously believed to be deceased—one and only Dr. W. D. Gaster.

Even though mostly everyone was settled living lives in Newer Home, not everyone stayed. Ella and Ennard decided to travel a bit. Thankfully, they got Ballora's blessing—although, they were skeptical that they would. Ella promised to send her sister postcards as often as she could.

Just before the young couple left, did Puppet ask Ballora to marry him. So, Ella and Ennard had left after the wedding. A couple months after they left, did Ella get a letter from her sister that said she was going to be an aunt.

The town had a celebration planned for not only the freedom of their new residents, but also the freedom of monster kind. Sophie had been invited by the Anthros as a special guest. So, she'd arrived into town and parked just far enough so she could walk to the event.

Whilst walking down the sidewalk, she bumped into Bonnie and Foxy. "Ahoy lass!" Foxy happily greeted. "Hi! I thought you guys would be at the event grounds already?" Sophie wondered. "We're waitin' on Freddy and Chica. Toy and Vix are ahead of us." The bunny explained.

"Guys, what's with the dawdling?" Puppet suddenly asked. He and Ballora had just arrived on the corner the three were at. "We be waitin' fer-"

"Sorry we're late!" Freddy called out, as he and Chica approached them. "It's fine, you're not that late." Bonnie assured them. "Well, we're going to be if we don't get a move on!" The Marionette exclaimed.

An idea suddenly popped into Sophie's head. "Wait a second!" She exclaimed. Pulling out her cellphone, she suddenly said, "Group photo!"

"Alright!" Bonnie exclaimed, as everyone gathered around Sophie. "Wait, who's going to take the photo?" She suddenly realized. Her arm could only reach so far, and a selfie wouldn't turn out well. "I can." Ballora offered. "Are you sure?" She nodded. Sophie opened the camera on her phone and handed the device to Ballora.

Before taking the photo, Ballora requested everyone turn around so she could get the trees from the park across the street in the back. The group did so, and then everyone smiled. With a click, Ballora took the photo.

"Thanks." Sophie said, taking her phone back. "Ok, now we really have to go!" Puppet reminded everyone, as they began walking down the street again. Looking at the photo on her phone, Sophie smiled. You could tell by the look on everyone's faces, that they were truly free.

They had found their freedom.


-Next story: Tainted Petals, (or you can read a short story retelling from one characters view in 'Between the Moments, chapter Windows to the Soul'-

-Next story: Tainted Petals, (or you can read a short story retelling from one characters view in 'Between the Moments, chapter Windows to the Soul'-

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