Thank You!

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Art and both story covers are by me :)

A.N. Thank you so so much for reading! This project started off as something I was writing to pass the time and didn't even think of posting anywhere. It feels to good now that it's been finished, and I'm proud of my commitment to finishing it--even though it probably wont get that many reads.

I'm sure parts of the story seem unfinished, such as, "What about the people in Gold's Photo?" or "What was going on with Bonbell and that voice he heard?" And I've written those there on purpose. I want to leave it with a sense of, "What next?" so to say. Those are ideas that will be used in future stories that will happen following the events of Question of Freedom and Finding Freedom. I have two finished stories that precede Question of/Finding Freedom, and one that's unfinished. The unfinished one is what comes next after this book, and will be posted shortly--along with the other two. In the meantime, keep a look out for Between the Moments, which will be a book of short story compilations that didn't make it into the final cut of the first two Freedom AU  stories.

  Again, thank you all so so much for reading, and have a great day!


Finding Freedom {Freedom AU} [Book Two](FNAF/UT)Where stories live. Discover now