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Jenna Jones was the girl that always sat in the front of the class, and showed up first. She didn't sit with anyone at lunch, because her nose was always 6 feet deep in a book. She wasn't the ugly kind of girl, she could of been pretty if she tried; but she refused to put on the expensive clothes her mom bought her. She didn't care what she looked like because after all, it's just high school. Her parents didn't have to expect good grades, she never got anything lower than an A. Jenna Jones didn't expect her favorite history teacher to ask her to tutor the schools bad boy; Jonah Martins. Jenna Jones, didn't expect to find happiness inside of this human. The only place she finds happiness is in books. Jenna Jones found happiness, without even looking for it.

"Jenna time to get up!" I hear my mothers footsteps approach my bed and her clammy hands slightly shake my body. I sit up and watch her smile at me. I reach over and put my glasses on my face. 

"Your dad made breakfast, we have something to discuss." She smiles at me again before walking out of my room. I throw on a pair of black leggings, a long sleeve grey shirt that covers my butt, and a pair of grey uggs. I glanced in the mirror, my hair out of control. I decided to put it up in a messy bun, before grabbing my school bag and heading downstairs. 

"I made your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes." I take a seat at our island as my dad sets my food in front of me. I take in the sweet smell and a frown falls on my face. 

"You only make these when you have bad news." I glance up at him as he scratches his slowly turning gray hair. 

"Well, Jenna your fa-" My mother starts but my dad cuts her off. 

"Jenna, you're mother and I are going on a business trip to Hawaii, we'll be gone for 3 months." My mouth falls open and I'm left speechless. My parents go on business trips all the time, but never for that long. I'm used to our big house leaving me feeling alone, but that's what books are for. To distract me from the fact that my parents are never home, and I live a boring life. 

"We've got a plane to catch, so be a good girl." My dad kisses my head. Both of my parents walking out the door with their rolling suitcases following. 

I take my usual seat in front of the class, I have history class last period of the day. You know how they say that you save the best for last? Well this just goes to show that it's true. There's something about history that keeps me intrigued and makes me act like the nerd I actually am. The school's bad boy sits behind me. Jonah Martins; pretty much your typical bad boy. Parties,  ditches class, doesn't pay attention, get's in trouble a lot, and all the girls want him. Well all the girls but one. I personally can't stand the guy. He's got an ego bigger than Europe, that alone makes me keep my distance. 

I try to pay attention to Mr. Hartzel talking about Pearl Harbor, but Mr. chatty box behind me won't stop talking about some stupid girl. 'She was so hot.'  I roll my eyes and return my attention to Mr. Hartzel. 

"What was Pearl Harbor?" I raise my hand, but Noah keeps talking. 

"Jonah." Mr. Hartzels voice grows louder and I drop my hand. 


"What was Pearl Harbor?" Mr. Harzel folds his arms across his chest. 

"A place where pearls were stored." Everyone in the class laughs at Jonah's dumb 'joke' 


"Pearl Harbor was a surprise military attack ordered by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It started World War II."

"Thank you Jenna." Mr. Hartzel smiles and goes on with the lesson until the bell rings. 

We all gather our things and start to walk out as Mr. Hartzel announces that there will be a test tomorrow that's worth 20% of our grade. I make a mental note to study for it, as I walk out the door. I start the medium length walk to my house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2015 ⏰

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