How you call the spirits is go in the bathroom, stand in a mirror, get a Ouija board, candles and lastly a piece of paper and record the letters that the spirits say. When I did this something really cool happened, all of the lights flickered on and off and there were dark big shadows surrounding me I went into the bathtub and my friend was possessed and I freeked out and started to read the bible So that they would leave her alone it didn't work. I called a priest and they did a exercise on her. "You spirit of the devil let her go." Said the priest. "No." said the spirit inside of her. After a few scripts from the holy bible and holy water being splashed on her she finally came back. I hated seeing her be in so much misery while this exorcism was happening but it was al worth it. if I hadn't of called that priest I don't think my bestfriend of all time would still be here. But a few weeks later my cat and dog died from the for no real reason just poof they both were dead. A few months later banging started happening on my walls and I was sick of it. I moved and the spirits followed me into my new home and I was terrified a lot I asked another priest in my town how to get rid of the spirits and they could not answer me. I was simply upset about this. So I tried to get rid of them myself. So you ask "Did that work?" Well lets see.