Chapter 1- The Forgetful Alpha

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"Why won't you reconnect with me??" I asked the majestic black wolf standing in7front of me. He only growled in reply, not a growl of anger and hate but one of frustration. I wasn"t afraid of him ,in fact, I admired his reagal appearance and how he carried himself as someone of authority and power.

"I can't do that until you remember". he said gruffly. "Jeez for a mature looking wolf he sure carries a grudge" I thought. "You know our minds are linked right?" "Or don't tell me... You FORGOT!!!". He roared at me sending me out of the mental plane we set up before the incident happened. I jumped awake and looked around the room only to find my best friend Ty looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Well looks how'd it go?", he said with a hopeful look on his face.

"You know they're alot of ways to piss off a wolf but only a few ways to reconnect with one?".

"That bad huh?". He has no idea. I mean it took me thirty minutes just to persuade that wolf to meet with me on the mental plane. And what's worse he forced me off of it. I swear I'm gonna make you reconnect with me you dumb pup. *pfft*. Oh he did NOT just laugh. After telling Ty what happened we just sat there in silence, trying to find a way out of this situation.

How did my life end up like this? Why me? I used those lines too much now and I am tired of waiting for something to happen. Its like what my father says 'An Alpha must know when to stand down and when to take action' and right now I know that confronting this problem head on was the only way to reconnect with my wolf. After sitting there for fifteen minutes me and Ty decide to call a meeting with the pack elders and let them see what i have been thinking about.

15 minutes later

As I sat there in the pack meeting room with Ty ,my beta, at my right hand side and my father on the left along with the five elders of my pack I could sense the tension in the air. Then i realized this is the first time I EVER called a meeting on my own. Don't get me wrong i have been in meetings its just that the elders were the ones who asked us to meet. I decided i would try to show them my authoritative flare.

"Well everyone's here except...".

"Sorry for being late everyone", said the cheerful voice. A smile immediately found its way onto my face but I killed it almost as quickly it came. Hope nobody saw that. I saw a look of relief on dad's and Ty's face as the tall handsome friendly figure stepped in the room. Everyone's eyes were on him. Ty's father and my father's best friend. The Former Beta Alex 'SIlver-wolf' Cole. "What ? Do I have something in my teeth?", he said with a huge dazzling white smile and that cheerful smile that everyone loved. But, I gotta maintain the atmosphere I had had built up.

"You're late", I said trying to keep the mood going.

"But I'm here now aren't I?". he said not even affected. Gosh read the mood won't ya.

I mind linked him. Help a guy out man. I'm tryin' to maintain the serious atmosphere i set up. He just sat there giving no changes in his body language to show we were even talking. Okay kid just gimme a nice growl.

I let otut a growl. He immediately looked atme and said" I-I mean sorry alpha pardon my tardiness", bowing his head in respect. The elders looked impressed. Alex wasn't exactly easy to handle. Only his wife and my father were the only ones who could tame him.

" Now we can get on with the meeting".




Hope you like my story so far I promise more info in the next chapter but give me a chance i am a beginner to writing. So just LIKE VOTE SHARE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS about this book.

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Next chapter THE MEETING.

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