le train B)

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Ellie POV

“ELLIE!” I heard a familiar voice shout. I could recognize her voice anywhere.

“KAZANDRE!” I yelled back. It was Kazandre Black, a rad slytherin, prefect, cat enthusiast and my best friend. She ran up to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

“Ayoo ready for year 6?” She asked.

“Not even a bit.” I replied.

We laughed and started walking towards Kings Cross Station. We walked through the doors to see a bustling crowd of muggles.

“Look at them. Idiots, the lot of them.” Kazandre sneered.

I laughed and we continued on our way to platform 9 ¾. We saw a group of people dressed in dark cloaks with old trunks and owls crowding around a small brick wall. We walked towards them and smiled when we saw all of our friends. We then proceeded to run at the wall and we were suddenly on platform 9 ¾.

“You know that never gets old.” I said smiling.

As we boarded the Hogwarts Express I remembered that Ben -A fellow gryffindor- had told me that year 6 would be great. I sure hope he was right.


Ellie and I got onto the train and searched for an empty compartment. While walking through the train we bumped into our friends, Gali and Nat, who then proceeded to glomp us. After escaping their forceful hugs and running away we ran right into Blake Carrow and his twin Scott. He then punched us both on our shoulders and yelled “U w0t m8?!?!”

“Wow r00d” I replied and El and I glared at him until Scott dragged him into a compartment.

We rolled our eyes and went into the compartment next door.

“They’re hella r00d bruh-” Ellie started but then something outside the window caught her eye and she stopped talking. She grinned like an idiot and I facepalmed so hard I’m pretty sure it left a mark.

“Don’t tell me you’re looking at who I think you’re looking at.”

She sighed and gave me a look of embarrassment with a twinge of annoyance. She crossed her arms and said “He’s hot, okay? Gawsh.”

Ellie was staring at a Ravenclaw kid named Zed Vulchanova. She’s had a crush on him for like ever and it was kinda gross (tbh). He had a girlfriend named Lena Sunstrider who just so happens to be a close friend. The love triangle is sooo real.

“Jeez stop drooling already and put your bag away.”

After settling in we sat on the train and talked about our summers when we were suddenly interrupted by noise in the next compartment.

“Um what the hell are they doing?” Ellie asked.

“Isn’t that Scott and Blake’s compartment…?” I asked and we gave each other a look.

“...They’re probably just uh, fighting or something.” She said and I nodded.

“Right. Fighting.”

We were silent for a while after that.

Ellie POV

We had been on the train for what felt like forever when we heard someone yell

“15 minutes until arrival! Better get changed into your robes!”

“Welp we should probably do that then.” I said awkwardly.

Kas and I had been pretttyy silent for a while and all I had been doing for a while was think about Zed Vulchanova and how perfect he is. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Ugh. Are you seriously thinking about him again? Gurl he's with Lena.” Kas said with a sigh.

I gave her a death stare and said “Shut up or I’ll throw you out this window.”

“Jeez fine.” She replied. We then grabbed our trunks and pulled out our Hogwarts robes. We pulled them on over our clothes and sat back down.

“Can we just get there already? I’m starving. Gawsh.” I said longingly.

“Same same.” Kas replied.

When we got off the train it was already dark outside. We started walking towards the carriages with Gali and Nat.

“Sooooo.... Kazandre… How are you and blake doing huh?” Nat asked playfully.

Kas stopped walking, glared at Nat and said “Say that again and you might wake up with spiders in your bed.”

I laughed because I knew Kas would totally do that (and I would not object).

We decided to fall behind the group so that we could be the last to get on the carriages and have one to ourselves. As we neared the castle all I could think about was the feast waiting inside.

“Gawsh I should have eaten today I am starving.” I said.

“You always forget to eat, El. Smh.” She said actually shaking her head.

“Maybe this will be the year they add pizza to the feast.” I said laughing.

“God damn it I hope so.” Kas replied.

to be continued... B)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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