I lied.

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"Hey mom I was wondering..."
You say while cleaning up the half-stained table, not wanting it to be like that for the rest of the day.

"Yes? What were you wondering?"
She says with a sly smile on her face, knowing what you want.

"I know school is about to start back up and all...I was hoping—" you get cut off by her Look, You've known that look since you were a kid, and not wanting to ever see that look again. You know you're unlucky.

"No. Not with all these killings going around." She says sternly, also softly, cause she loves you, and knowing you're dad passed, she still is coping with it, not like she's taking it out on you, she loves you so much, she doesn't wanna lose you too.

"Again? Why? It's not like I'm gonna get hurt either..." You say sadly. Knowing she's gonna fall for that. 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚.

"You're no fair, Y'know that?" She says, half-smiling, she looks towards you with this sad glimmer in her eye, and she has to look 𝗨𝗽, and I repeat "𝙐𝙥" because of how tall you've gotten. You're standing over her, if that's how you say it.

"Heh, forgot you have to look up at me."
You laugh, and Grab You're stuff to hang out with you're friends later-on tonight.

(Note: you're friends are My OC's that I made for this book, I had originally planned them to be In another book, but I had another idea)


"Y/N! You came!"
You're Friend Ava says happily.
"Of course I came, what makes you think I wouldn't? The others didn't come yet, did they?"
You say while raising you're e/c eyebrow.

Ava sighs, while taking a seat down on the couch.
"No, No they didn't, apparently Jeans Car Went down, And Vivian Had to take the wheel, and drive them to the nearest 8/11."
(Note: eight-eleven is a made up store for 7/11)

"I told jean to use gas before driving the car."
You roll you're e/c eyes, knowing jean wouldn't have listened anyway, or "forgotten."

"So...I've been hearing a lot about the random killings, I don't think someone's behind this, I know."
Ava says while crossing her arms.

You side-eye her, making sure she's not too "uncomfortable" with what the news is saying.

"Maybe there isn't a killer, cause if their was, the killer would've lead them right into their trap..."
You say, while heading into the kitchen. Obviously annoyed of the conversation.

You can tell That Ava senses you're annoyed Tone, and She drops the conversation.

You turn around abruptly, making the dishes "𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙉𝙆!"

Ava Jumps from this, and she turns around raising an questioning eyebrow at you.

"What? What's wrong?"
She says fast, but with concern in her usual soft voice.

"What if...what if there 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 any killer?"
You say while looking outside the window of you're friends house, admiring the summer trees.

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