「 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚝. 」

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Y/n's Pov.

"It's frustrating," I heard Eida grunt, "I can't sense Boruto's chakra, hear or see anything near him. I should be able to with my Senrigan," The Senrigan can see everything...or at least it's supposed to.
"When did you stop sensing his chakra?" I asked.
"Around a year ago. It seems he can also cover the chakra of people around him...that makes it even more troublesome," She sighed.
"It's fine..." Code put his cup of tea on the table, "We'll just have to make the first move."

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Boruto's Pov.

I walked towards the gate as my teammates came into view. Sarada was deep in conversation with Mitsuki, probably asking him to behave. I can't blame her after what happened a couple of years ago.
"...you got it?" I heard her finish her lecture, "Hey, Boruto...didn't see ya there." She gave me a closed eye smile.
"Hn, let's start," I replied and opened the scroll.

3̵̨̙̞͈̗̞̟͆̈́̀́̚7̸̢̹̲̠̘͕̖̰̩̓̈͛͗̚.̴̫̺̗͖͌͛̍͐̆̀̐͝2̶͖͖͕͎͊̿͒͜4̷̣̙̬̺̤̳̲̖͊3̴̳̘̒̒̎͝͠1̵̟͕̍͐̋̉̓̾͒͐͘̕°̵̧̪͓̟̀̈́͒͠ͅ ̵̢̬̩̱̤͙̗͎̩̰̅̒͋̎̈N̶̨̳̜͚̮̒̐,̵̫̿͂̅́̔̒̕͝ ̴̞̬͇̞̍̐͑̽̅̓̏̕1̶͙̟͎̪̆̍̂̎̎̾̉1̸̢̹͋͋͋ͅ5̸̤̫̦̦̫̖̇̿̉̋̄͛̈̈.̴̘̱̯͓͛̽̾͆̈́͝7̷̡̦̞͔̭͖̖̣̣̎̈̄̉̈́̊͘͜͝9̷̠̰͙̹̘̏̾̎͠3̴̬̞̠͕͖̾̾̽̑0̶̰̹̉̽͘°̴͓̈̓̿̀̕ ̴̬̮̖̟̭̳͖͎̜͚̀ W̴̧̹̗̜̫͉̘̄

"You can decipher it, right?" Sarada asked as I examined it.
"This isn't the first time doing this, Sarada." I glanced at her as I activated my Karma. Mitsuki scoffed as Sarada raised an eyebrow at him. A blackish-purple swirl opened up from my palm as I waited for them to enter.

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Y/n's Pov.

Code got his hand out as the studded belt extended on the ground. Eida opened her eyes as they glowed a soft purple. She motioned Daemon to get on her back while I locked my hands with Code and Eida. We stepped on the belt as I felt myself being warped inside it. A second later we reached one of our old hideouts.
"Jigen kept it hidden and didn't tell anyone where it was...we'll have to search this place in and out," Code stared at the huge castle in front of us. He then glanced at Daemon waiting for him to do it. Daemon got off Eida's back as he closed his eyes and made a hand sign.
"Barrier," He whispered as the sky turned blood red in a second, "Done, nobody should be able to cross this."
"Good, wait here, we'll get what we need and come," Eida said to Daemon. We turned around and walked towards the place.
The double doors opened when we got ten feet close to it. It made a creek sound as it hadn't been open for a while.
"What are we searching for?" I asked.
"It's a small scroll going into the details of our goal. Jigen didn't have much time to explain it back then... but I finally know the location of it."
"Code," I called his name, "I might know where we can start looking." They raised an eyebrow, "Our training room." He waited for me to elaborate.
"Nobody went there except you, Jigen and me...only the main area in that room were accessible..." I thought out loud.
"Now it makes sense," Code said, "Any other of the members could've trained you but he chose me...why?" He looked at me, "I specialise in marks and seals..." He thought as I put the pieces together.
"Only a true Otsutsuki can open it, you can't because what you have is just information, the Karma, which isn't developed fully either. Otsutsuki blood runs through me as I'm a descendant." I finished.
"Exactly. Unless I had a full Karma and turned into an Otsutsuki, I wouldn't be able to open it. That's why he made you go through all that rigorous training."
"Well, what are we waiting for?" Eida said as she walked past us.

𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭. | 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚄𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚑𝚊 ✓Where stories live. Discover now