Chapter Fourteen "Separate Groups"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{10:00 a.m.}

"Wait-! The figure who was in your and Dino's room was Socks?! Are you sure it was him?" Joocie said in shock. "Not actually...I only saw his rainbow socks and white gloves." Woolf answered. "Are you sure that your memories are back? The things you saw might be just a nightmare" Joocie asked,raising an eyebrow at him.

Woolf looked at him. "Why would I had a nightmare about that!? And Meme said before that my memories will come back within a month" he said. Joocie looked away with a thinking face expression. "Is it really Socks...?" he thought.

"So- you think the murderer is Socks...?" Joocie asked slowly,making eye contact with Woolf. He bit his lips,hearing Joocie's question. "Do I think it is Socks? I mean- he did lied about the death of Dino to me..." Woolf thought. "But why would Socks even kills us if we are his friends..."

"I..." Wloof paused,not knowing what is he gonna answer Joocie. "I'm not sure yet... Socks did lied to me before but... I have a feeling it isn't him..." Woolf mumbled slowly. Joocie smiled softly after hearing his answer. "That's good I guess. I thought I was the only one who have that feeling too" he exclaimed.

Woolf slowly nodded at the response and turned towards him. "We should probably do something else than sitting under a tree" he said. Joocie chuckled at that "Ya,we should at least find some food and maybe a shelter if possible" he said.

Woolf nodded in agreement as he and Joocie stood up and started their search.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{11:00 a.m.}

An hour had passed for Woolf and Joocie and the search didn't go well. They haven't even found a single food or shelter and their wounds wasn't helping at all. While they were walking through the forest,Joocie suddenly had a thought.

"Hey,Woolf."Joocie called out for him. Woolf turned his head and raised any eyebrow at him. "Why didn't we think of searching the place where the mansion got exploded? There might be some materials we could use,if possible maybe we can find water too." He said.

Woolf stayed silent for a while before he facepalmed. "Why didn't we think that sooner?" He mumbled. Joocie looked at him in confused. "That's not a bad idea but..." Woolf looked around the trees around them. "Which way should we go towards the broken mansion now?" He asked.

Joocie looked around him and shook his head at Woolf. "Well- that's a problem right now..." Woolf whispered before he looked towards a direction which he thought he saw someone there. Woolf raised an eyebrow at that direction. "Joocie, am I the only one who thinks there's someone right there?" He pointed his fingers towards to a tree.

Joocie looked towards the tree and saw a shape of a person shadow behind it,almost like the person was trying to camouflage but failed. "Your right,Woolf. I can see the shadow of the person behind the tree." Joocie answered.

Woolf looked at the tree for a while before he spoke. "Whoever is behind that tree,you can come out since your cover had been blown." They both heard the person sighed out loud before he popped his head out from behind the tree.

"Blaza?" Woolf and Joocie exclaimed in shock.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{12:00 p.m.}

Meme didn't knew where he was going but was just running through the forest with tears running down his cheeks. He was full of emotions about his friend had the syringe with the poison that kill their British friend.

All of them already knew one of them is the murderer but everyone knows nobody can handle the sadness or hatred that was inside of them when the murderer was revealed. Which that's what Meme feeling right now.

Even though he had confirmed Tbh is the murderer but somehow some part of him told him that it wasn't Tbh.

While he was lost in thoughts as he was running through the forest, Meme accidentally crashed into something or someone,making fall on the ground. Meme was about cursed under his breath before he heard a familiar voice.


He looked up and saw the 14 year old standing in front of him. "Muffin...?" He mumbled. Meme almost can't recognised him but luckily the voice let him knew it is Muffin.

(Remember the year I put in this story is 2020 so Muffin and Nadwe are still 14 years old)

There were scars,bruises and blood all over Muffin. His clothes was torn and dirty. His hair was also a mess and Meme was shocked to see a kid looking like he just got beaten up.

"Oh god- what the hell happened to you?!" Meme shouted out loud. Muffin nervously chuckled and answered. "I was kinda near the bomb when it exploded..."

"Wait- near the bomb? You know where the bomb was placed?" Meme interrupted. Muffin nodded in response. "I found the bombs in a secret room and investigated it with Socks and Blaza" he continued.

Meme was about to open his mouth when Muffin interrupted. "And this happen when you and Tbh were arguing" The mention of Tbh name immediately make him looked away.

Muffin saw the sudden change reaction on Meme and raised an eyebrow at him. "Did something happened between you and Tbh?" he asked.

Meme made eye contact with Muffin and sighed. "I will tell you later but now let me patch up those wounds first before it gets infection" he said.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{1:30 p.m.}

Socks woke up,breathing heavily. He looked around and saw he was still in the middle of the broken mansion. The only thing he remembered before everything went black was he noticed Blaza didn't have a pulse.

He looked towards where he last seen Blaza and saw he wasn't there anymore. "I guess I fainted when I noticed Blaza doesn't have a heartbeat" Socks thought.

He looked towards his right leg and saw the wall that was collapsed wasn't there anymore but his right leg looks horrible. He moved his right leg and instantly regretted it. Pain immediately struck through his right leg as he groaned.

"Guess I can't be walking properly for a few weeks" Socks thought. He looked around his surroundings and there was literally nobody nearby. "How am I supposed to leave this place if I can't even move a muscle." Socks thought.

"And where is Blaza's dead body? He's dead! He can't just go disappeared" Socks thought.

Chapter Fourteen 👏🏻👏🏻!!

Summary: With Woolf and Joocie,they found someone while they were lost in the forest. With Meme,he found Muffin in a horrible shape in the forest. With Socks,he noticed Blaza's dead body had disappeared and he can't move without pain hurting him due to his right leg injury.

I know I added even more confusion to you all but the future chapters will explain.
The time is different cause it happen to different people in different time.
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1197

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