Guard My Heart

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"I'm heartbroken."

Two simple words that even I didn't believe and neither did the two boys with me. They gave me a skeptical look.

"Don't be stupid," one of them said.

Offended, I insisted, "Yes, I am. My Mum says I am."

"You look fine," the other boy said.

I pouted, "You're only saying that."

"You look ugly then?" He said, confused.

"You're mean!" I wailed at him, stomping off. Mum was right, boys just don't get it.


"Don't cry! Here's some more ice cream!"

I sniffed and glared at the blonde, "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!"

"You don't have to yell," he grumbled.

"Can't a girl get some privacy to cry?"

"We did give you privacy. You've been locked up in here for a week," his friend said. "You looked chubbier. Have you gain weight?"

Shocked by the statement, I pushed him off the bed. A thud was heard followed by a groan. I pouted and touched my belly, I am not fat. How could he say something like that? Especially when I'm this upset. Guys are so stupid!

"You alright, Sebs?"

He got back on bed and gave me a little push but it only threw me off balance a bit. I was about to push him again when the door swung open and there stood my Dad. By the look on his face, I could tell it wasn't good.

"Paige, boys, it's a beautiful sunny day outside and I refused to let you three stay in the house," he said, sharply.

All of three us obeyed silently and went down. I could hear Nicole's music playing loudly from her room. Why didn't Dad make her get out? It's not fair, she always gets to do what she wants. But then again, I'm not exactly brave enough to stand up to Dad, he's freaking scary especially when he's pissed.

I was about to go out when I caught sight of a familiar figure outside. I froze at the doorway, debating or not whether to go out and face him or stay in and face Dad. Dad is annoyed with me these past few days but seeing him would be an embarrassment. Both have equal cons but going out will be much more fun and-

"Are you coming?" Sebs asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I was thinking," I snapped at him.

"She must be on her month again," I heard Aaron muttered.

"On her month?"

"That's what my Dad told me. Girls are always very dramatic once a month."

"You mean more than usual?"

Irritated, I told them both, "Would you two shut up?!"

Sebs glared at me, "We want to go outside and play basketball. It's up to you, if you want to come or not."

He and Aaron walked off, leaving me behind. I didn't want them to leave. I just wanted them to shut up. I suddenly felt lonely. Maybe I should go with them.

"You're not going out?"

I turned to see Dad behind me and smiled sheepishly, "I'm thinking about it."

"Well think fast, I don't think those boys will wait long for you," he said.

I didn't say anything. Would I rather be cooped up in my room, in my own self pity party or go and hang out with my friends. I looked out to see Carly and Nathan together. It was only one boy, am I willing to give up my time with my friends just cause of him?

"You're thinking too much again," Dad noted.

"Nicole said you should always think before you do," I told him.

"She also said she's going to clean her room," he retorted. "Just go out, have fun. Don't be a stay at home like your sister. You have friends out there waiting for you."

"They're not waiting for me," I pouted at the thought.

"Really?" He gestured outside.

I looked out to see both Sebs and Aaron talking to Nathan. I could see it could turn from a heated argument to a fight. Instinctively, I ran to them.

"What are you two doing?" I called out. They better not be embarrassing me.

"How can you like someone like him?" Aaron asked, sounding disgusted. "He wears purple. It shows how gay he is."

"These are your friends, Paige?" Nathan said, in a slightly haughty voice. "Bunch of immature idiots."

Sebs didn't say anything at first, but continuously having a glare contest with Nathan. But seeing him about to react, I pulled the two boys away from him, holding back the urge to punch him myself. He can't just insult them like that, he's not even half as good as them.

"You two are not good in an argument," I told them, when we were in the clear. "Calling him gay was weak, Aaron."

"Like you were any better," he snorted. "You cried over that jackass for a week."

"Fine, I was stupid alright," I said. "I shouldn't have wasted my time on him."

"Alright, stop it, lets just go play," Sebs said, slightly annoyed.

"I thought you guys went without me," I told them, honestly.

"We thought about it but since he was just outside, a small talk won't hurt anyone," he said, shrugging.

"You guys are so sweet, trying to protect me and all," I gushed and hugged them both. "I'll treat you guys to ice cream later."

"You should, after all that ice cream we bought for you," Aaron said. "Besides, we were just doing our job."

"What's that?"

"Guarding your heart," he grinned.

"Dude, that's terrible!"



I shook my head and blocked them from continuing to hit each other. I swung an arm on each shoulder.

"I love you both!"



Tadaa! New story after a long while. This idea was in my mind for a while and now it's on wattpad. Dedicated to jenny01rox who's making me the cover for the story :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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