Chapter Fifteen "Different Problems and Actions"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{11:00 a.m.}

"Blaza?" Woolf and Joocie exclaimed in shock.

"Looks like I can't hide from you guys at all..." Blaza nervously said,walking out from his hiding spot. Woolf raised an eyebrow, "Why are you trying to hide from us?"he asked. Joocie nodded,agreeing on Woolf's question.

Blaza bit his lips nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... I was- giving you both a surprise!" he exclaimed. Joocie and Woolf looked at him suspiciously but shrugged first.

"Wow,you are just full of surprises" Joocie joked as he chuckled. Woolf looked at Blaza up and down,making him uncomfortable. "Blaza,were you in the mansion when it exploded? Cause you didn't have any injuries at all" Woolf asked.

"I wasn't in the mansion when the bombs went off. I was outside" Blaza answered. "What are you doing outside?" Joocie asked in curious.

Woolf saw Blaza's face expression turned into annoy for a spilt second before going back to the calm expression. "I got distracted by something outside so I went outside" Blaza said in annoyed but nobody noticed.

"Ok then. Do you wanna come with us? We are trying to find the broken mansion right now" Joocie offered. Blaza nodded in response but Woolf felt something wrong with Blaza.

"Great! Let get going then. It's going to be afternoon soon" Woolf quickly snapped out of his thoughts and spoke.

Both of them walked towards a direction they guess the mansion was located at while Blaza stood there smirking to himself before following them.

"Step one completed"

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{12:05 p.m.}

It had been five minutes since Meme left Tbh alone in the cave due to the syringe left in his bag. Although it's been five minutes,it felt like way longer for Tbh due to what happened.

"I shouldn't have put the syringe in my bag. Now Meme thinks I'm the one who kill Laff" Tbh thought. He looked at the syringe and thought about what Meme said to him.

"What other things you had to explain?!"

"Your the one who poisoned Laff with this thing!"

"This was all your plan,isn't it?!"

"And I thought your my friend!"

The last sentence hit him hard as tears ran down his cheeks again. He quickly rubbed his tears to show himself he wasn't crying but it just made it worse. "Stupid Meme... never let me explain first..." Tbh mumbled.

"Is that a cave,right there?" Tbh heard a fade voice from outside the cave. Tbh lifted his head to heard the voices more clearly.

"Ya,it is! Hey,Blaza! We found a shelter!" Tbh widen his eyes,hearing that. He quickly grab his bag with the syringe as he hid in the shadow of the cave.

Soon,he saw Woolf,Joocie and Blaza at the entrance of the cave looking around. He narrowed his eyes to have a clearer look and thought he saw Blaza eyes shined red a while in the dark.

"What is that-?" Tbh questioned himself. "At least Meme wasn't with them...I just can't faced him right now..."He sighed in relief but forget he was in a cave which cause the sound echoes through the cave.

"Who's there?!" Woolf immediately shouted. Tbh had no choice but to step out of the dark since the only entrance was blocked by them.

"Tbh? Your okay!" Joocie exclaimed happily. Woolf smiled as he saw him but quickly faded as he saw what was holding in Tbh right hand. "Tbh- What is that thing your holding in your hand?" Woolf asked,afraid something bad is gonna happen.

"Oh. You still have the syringe,Tbh?. Joocie asked,remembering he told Tbh to throw it away. "What!?" Woolf shouted in shock while Blaza just had no emotions on his face. "I thought it would cause more trouble if I threw but guess I was wrong.." Tbh mumbled the last few words.

"Can you both explain first before you continue your conversation!" Woolf quickly interrupted them,raising his hand in the air like he was in school. Joocie and Tbh looked at him for a while before nodding and started explaining.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{12:15 p.m.}

"And that should do it" Meme said as he finished patching up Muffin's wounds. "Thanks,Meme" Muffin said as he kicked the water with his legs. Before Meme took care of Muffin wounds,he told Muffin that he need to watch some of the wounds with water and Muffin said he found a river not far and there they were at right now.

"Remember try not to do such big moves or else the wounds might reopen" Meme reminded as Muffin nodded in response. They both stayed silent for a while before Meme spoke. "Muffin,you don't mind me asking how you got out from the broken mansion all by yourself?"

"I don't really know what happened but I just remember waking up beside the broken mansion with all these injuries" Muffin explained. Meme slowly nodded at the answer. "Could we go find Socks and Blaza? Cause I was the one who brought them near the bomb and they might be badly injured cause of me!" Muffin suddenly asked with guilty.

Meme chuckled as he answered. "Sure thing but you still remember how to get to there?" Muffin nodded as he stood up and start walking with Meme following him. "You haven't tell me what happened between you and Tbh" Muffin pointed out which made Meme bit his lips.

"Ok ok. I will tell you" Meme sighed as he and Muffin continued walking through the forest.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{1:45 p.m.}

Socks didn't know how long he had been sitting on the ground but he wasn't doing well at all. It was afternoon and he didn't ate lunch yet. The sun was killing him that he could get heatstroke. But he can't do anything about it due to his injury right leg.

Socks suddenly felt a coldness running down his spine like something or someone was watching him from behind and made him actually looked back. "This is just stupid... I don't know where the heck Blaza's dead body went,I'm stuck here with a injury leg and I'm going to starve to death or get heatstroke." Socks complained out loud.

He looked up for a while and thought he saw Nadwe standing in front of him. He thought it was just a hallucination and looked back down when he heard voices coming from the 'hallucination'.

"I don't know! It's worth a try!" Nadwe shouted to no one. Socks looked at him,eyes widen in shock. He just saw his dead friend in front of him talking!

"What the hell!?" Socks can't help but shouted,thinking he was going crazy right now.

🎶Chapter Fifteen🎶

Summary: Woolf,Joocie and Blaza found Tbh in a cave and Woolf thinks Blaza was acting suspicious. With Muffin and Meme,they decided to head back to the mansion to find their friends. With Socks,he still can't move due to his injury and saw something unexpected in front of him.

I think I just adding more confusion to you all-
Thanks for 1k views and 89 votes!
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1218

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