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Darkness surrounds me as I float through a seemingly endless abyss of nothingness. As I let myself be envoloped by the peaceful silence, memories flood into my head. Memories of birthdays, of friendships being formed, memories of funerals and friendships ending. My heart aches as I try to make myself react in a proper manner towards these visions, but my face remains in it's ever apathetic stare. I try to figure out where I am, and why I'm here, and at last the panick sets in. My breath quickens as I look all around, searching for an escape. I thrash my arms and legs about, searching for something, anything, as I start to cry. Hot tears stream down my cheaks as I start to suffocate. Something grabs onto me a violently shakes me, only making me panik even more. All of a sudden my eyes fly open, and there I am in my bed as my youngeer brother attempts to awaken me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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