The Birth Of Jeon Jungkook

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"This way, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon," the nurse said to the frantic couple.

Mr. Jeon bowed to the nurse, thanking her profusely, before pushing his wife's wheelchair through the door.

The nurse sighed in relief after spending a tense ten-minute elevator ride with the crazy couple. They had been stuck due to a sudden powercut and the poor nurse had been witness to a very strange scene- Mrs. Jeon was smacking her husband on his head, cursing at him everytime she felt a bout of pain. They were such an odd pair, she thought.

The hallways were filled with Mr. Jeon loudly calling for the doctor, while Mrs. Jeon screamed due to her contractions.

"Dr. Choi!" Mr. Jeon screamed into the empty hallway before the doctor magically appeared out of thin air.

He had a calm smile that completely contrasted the panicked faces of the couple before him. "Relax. Bring your wife to the maternity ward and I'll be there shortly after with a nurse." And just like that, he disappeared.

Mrs. Jeon turned to her husband and tugged at his sleeve. "Did you call them?" She whisper-yelled.

Her husband's eyes widened and he shook his head, his black hair falling over his eyes. "I'll be right back, baby. Wait for me," he rushed outside.

"Atleast take me inside, you idiot," she mumbled to herself, rolling her eyes as she watched her husband's figure retreat farther away from her.

"Hello... Yeah... He's coming... Tell the others, will you? Alright... See you soon." This was the one-sided conversation people that stood near Mr. Jeon heard.

He smiled in satisfaction, his nerves easing a little. He had to admit, nothing could prepare him for what was about to come. He only hoped he'd know when the time came.

He gasped, dramatically, when he realized he left his wife inside. "I'm coming, honey," he yelled to no one in particular as he pocketed his phone and blindly ran inside.



"Wake up, honey... Darling, wake up... THE BABY IS COMING, MR. KIM!" With a startled expression, Mr. Kim shot awake, his body going on overdrive after hearing that dreaded sentence.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY?!" He screamed, still half asleep. His wife rolled her eyes and pulled at his ear. "Ouch! Ouch! That hurts."

Mr. Kim suddenly found himself face to face with the death glare of his wife. "Now, listen and listen carefully. Mr. Jeon called. Mrs. Jeon's water broke. They're at the hospital right now. We have to hurry up. You call everyone else while I go and wake our baby up. Understood?"

Her husband nodded, still in a trance and wordlessly walked towards the nightstand. Mrs. Kim sighed and walked upstairs towards her son's room.

As soon as she opened the door, a tiny figure zoomed past her, giggling with joy. She smiled and walked behind her son, who was running in circles in the living room, chanting, "The baby's coming! The baby's coming!"

"Jin darling, you remember what we talked about?"

The small boy stopped in his tracks and saluted to his mom. "I help you by babysitting those brats." He pulled out his favourite purple backpack, looking thoroughly prepared for his mission.

"Don't call them that, young man!" His mother's expression was stern, before it softened again. "But yes, you are babysitting those brats." She ruffled his hair as he giggled.

"Are we calling hyung too? He said he'd help with the babysitting," Jin reminded his mother who sighed.

"No, baby. As much as I would love to call him, it's two in the morning and I don't think his friend's mother would appreciate us waking them up. Let's go get him in the morning. Okay?" The boy nodded.

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