an open letter to the girl who believed in soulmates

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I always wish we are on the same page about believing in prince charming and having faith in that "the one", I wish I believe in the magic of love story fantasies, but none of these things were not in my vocabulary anymore. Believing is as important as accepting. It is never too bad to wait until someone unconsciously settles to be your 'one', but, too bad, the world sucks sometimes, so let me tell you my view.

I lean more towards believing in fate rather than soulmates. I think there's this much uncertainty and too much pressure equipped with how soulmates work. Like you have that one person destined to be with (maybe from across the world). When in reality, we have our own chances and options to choose the places we'll go and even the people we'll meet, and that the 'particular one' will just around the social circle you created for yourself. In short, you're not choosing from the billions of people, but only from a few. Maybe the one from your work, or the one you've met in that place you went often.

The thing is, as practical as it sounds, you don't just wait. You discover people, find people, learn people, and let people come in to your life from the places you've been and from the choices you've taken, until you end up choosing the one you'll commit to.

Some say the wait would always be worth it, but waiting is not absolute for everyone's case. Go shoot your shot now, but always have your reservations, okay?

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