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Type wasn’t a person who easily gave up, he survived his education journey as an Omega, who presented at the age of seven. The doctors called him a miracle, kids at school a freak or a bitch. His parents were reluctant to accept him as their child but they had to in the end. Grandmother Assa made sure to remind his father that it was not Type’s fault that his secondary gender was the one world considered the weakest. Type decided to prove everyone wrong, as he fought against all the obstacles that life decided to give him. He graduated before his class, the university gave him the highest scholarship there was, thanks to his grades and every contest he won. Then he became the first Omega student who graduated Business and Management from International College. And he didn’t give up, not even when his seniors decided to scare him off in the middle of the night by banging on his dorm doors or sharing his phone number as an escort service.

Type overcame it all, he fought and he won every battle.

And now he was standing on the CEO’s floor, on the top of the TTK Enterprises with a gun pointed at his head and he wanted to give up.

Several days before

Type flinched slightly hearing his supervisor’s voice from across the floor. There stood Fiat, the youngest intern on their floor, who was now reprimanded for something that was not in his workload or even qualifications to do. Type knew that the company was very demanding, even for interns but the boy was nineteen and he started the internship four days earlier. With a sad sigh, he returned to his work and cringed seeing all the reports that needed to be proofread. It wasn’t even his job, Puifai was supposed to be doing all the proofread but since Type admitted to being Omega to her, she reported him to HR and the company representative had a very long and boring talk with Type about secondary genders and why hiding them in the workplace is forbidden. Not that Type hid his gender, large symbol of an Omega was on his ID and driving license, people simply chose to ignore it and treat him as an Alpha or Beta due to his looks and posture.

He corrected some wrong predictions in the report from the Promotion Department and emailed them the fixed version. After all, all this work would go straight to the CEO who was not a patient or forgiving man. According to the rumors. Type worked in the TTK Enterprises for three years now, he started in the second year of his studies. And he saw the CEO once and for two seconds, the man was always either away on business or bunked up on his floor. He arrived before everyone and left after everyone. Only his personal assistant and secretary and some of the managers or directors from other branches met with him regularly.

“Type, my office right now!”

Type quickly raised his eyes and saw that almost everyone was looking at him. He swallowed and grabbed his notebook and a pen and moved quickly to the office at the end of the room. Mr. Achonokroy was sitting at his desk, twirling a cigarette between his fingers. Type frowned since smoking was forbidden in the entire building, people sometimes tried to enter the rooftop to go and smoke but the CEO banned the entry altogether after too many times.

“I just received a phone from HR about yet another complaint about you. This time, a young man from the Law Department. You tried to force your pheromones on him near the washrooms,” The older man looked at him and Type barely held the shudder of disgust that ran through him. “What are we supposed to do with you Type? First, you didn’t mention being an Omega, then you refused to do your job, next we have the accident with staying overtime to keep up with the workload, and now this. That’s the third complaint within a month.”

The third complaint that did not have an ounce of truth, Type thought bitterly. He always stayed away from others, he knew how people were acting towards male Omegas. Not once or twice he heard females talking about how unnatural and offensive his gender was. The first time it happened was when he presented at the hospital. There were two girls and five boys in the waiting room, all-around sixteen to twenty who were also waiting for their results. When the doctor and nurse told Type and his parents that he was an Omega, one of the girls loudly started to complain how male Omegas were nothing but whores for others to use and leave to real Omegas. Type didn’t understand at that time what they meant, six years later his mother drunk out of her mind screamed similar things towards him. That’s when he distanced himself from everyone.

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