chapter fourteen.

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Dean was blatantly ignored by Birdie as the woman hastily raced towards the one story house in front of them, causing him to curse under his breath as he clambered out of the Impala along with Sam. It didn't take long for them to find Veronica Fieldman's home, Sam having hacked into the police database in order to find her address. It wasn't too far away from the station, located in a cozy little suburban neighborhood that was incredibly still. The lights weren't on in any of the houses on her street, but Veronica's front door was completely wide open. There wasn't any car in sight, making Birding wonder if the woman had even managed to make it home yet. But, Birdie had thought of Veronica's son, Jace——he should've been home.

Birdie hurried into the house without a second thought, a loaded shotgun tightly clutched in her hands. Sam and Dean came inside moments later, guns in hand with holy water tucked away in their pockets. Birdie's gaze snapped towards the hall when she heard a faint thud as she came to a stop in the living room, a shaky breath escaping past her lips.

She shared a silent look with the boys, seeing them nod. She raised her gun and cautiously crept closer, ignoring the fact that she might not be met with a pretty sight. There was another thud just a few seconds later, followed by the sound of some shuffling and rustling as if someone was trying to quietly move around in the room. Birdie furrowed her brows and paused just outside the door, stealing a glance towards the brothers.

Without warning, a hand poked out of the room and roughly grabbed Birdie by her bicep. She yelped at the sudden movement, her gun clattering to the floor as she was yanked into the room and then shoved into the wall. Her eyes widened as she came face to face with a teenage boy, unclenching her hand that had been ready to strike. "Who are you? What-what're you doing here?" he demanded, voice shaky as his eyes scanned over Birdie.

Sam and Dean came in with their guns raised, but Birdie lifted her hand, motioning for them to back down. "Jace?" Birdie softly asked, taking in his features; he looked just like his mother. There was a mark near his temple, some dried blood smeared across his cheek as fear swirled around in his wide, round eyes.

The boy's face softened slightly, but then his features hardened and he harshly narrowed his eyes at Birdie. "How-how do you know my name?"

"Hey, kid, just relax, okay?" Dean suggested, slowly bending down and setting his gun on the ground. Sam did the same, forcing a smile onto his lips when the boy, Jace, suspiciously looked at him and Dean. "We're here to help. We're friends of your mom."

"My-my mom? She said——"

"Jace? C'mon! We gotta go now!"

Birdie's eyes snapped towards the bedroom door, seeing Veronica quickly enter the room. Her eyes glanced over at the Winchesters and then Birdie, seeing her son had her pinned to the wall but his grip had loosened. "Veronica!" Birdie gasped in relief, taking in the faint bruising on the woman's cheek and her jaw. Some blood was splattered on the side of her face, droplets decorating her uniform she'd yet to have changed out of.

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