The Maid of Honor Misadventures

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Marriage is a huge commitment. It's an important decision that requires a lot of thinking. Deciding to get married means that you will have to permanently stick with your answer. It means that you have thought of everything that would follow afterwards and that you're ready to begin a new chapter of your book with the one who makes you feel like you can conquer anything because they are not above you or below you—they are beside you.

You've always thought of marriage as a scary thing, something that's out of your reach. While you are not getting any younger, you feel like you're still not ready for such a big leap. But then again, is anyone ever ready for it?

Anyways, let's not get sidetracked. Let's focus on the reason as to why you're here at a bar. You're here tonight because your best friend called. You're here to listen as she opens up about what happened with her and her fiancé, Jimin.

"And then we had this argument. I said something about his parents not liking me because I'm not the one they wanted him to marry in the first place and he said that it's not true. He said that he wouldn't even care if he gets stripped off from the inheritance because all he wants is to get married to me. And then it just went on and on until he said that if I think we're doing this more for our parents than for us, then we should just call the wedding off."

Blinking, you observe how Yuna's eyebrows crease as she recounts bits of it, obvious that this fight affected her, pinched bits of her heart that's filled with excitement over her upcoming wedding—well, what was supposed to be her upcoming big day.

"I just wanted everyone to get along," she sighs, shaking her head. "I don't know, I think this has something to do with my guilt because Jimin defied his parents the moment he started dating me. And because I'll never pass his parents' standards."

"Look," you start. "Your parents aren't the ones that's going to get married here—it's you and Jimin. And to be honest, if they both love you, then they're going to have to accept the fact that you love each other and that you want to spend the rest of your lives together."

She listens and ingests your words, eventually nodding. "You're right," she says, wiping the corner of her wet eyes. "And Jimin is right. I shouldn't have stressed about our parents too much and let it get into my head."

"Let me ask you a question. Do you love Jimin?"

"Of course."

"Do you still want to marry him?"

She smiles. "I do."

"There you go. That's your answer," you tell her, snapping your fingers before taking a swig of your wine.

Yuna smiles narrowly in relief and nods with more confidence. She brings out her phone and scrolls for a few moments before her gasp startles you. She huffs, a frown taking over her features. "Great. So he went to his parents' party."

You wrinkle your brows. "And that's bad because?"

"Y/N, this is the party that he didn't want to attend because he knows that his parents would try to match him up again."

"What? Okay, you are overthinking this way too much. That doesn't mean he's—" you argue, wanting to implore her to just call Jimin, wanting to proclaim that just because he went there doesn't mean he would actually entertain it because for God's sake, he's engaged to the love of his life.

Yuna cuts you off when she pushes herself off from her seat. Out of the blue, she removes her engagement ring and places it on the counter. She's grabbing her small purse, telling you that she has to go. Handing her the keys to your apartment, you ensure her that she can spend the night, telling her that you'll catch up with her later because you want to stay here for a bit.

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