Tommy Volker The Basics

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1. What is your full name?

"Thomas J Volker, The j is for Jessie, i never liked the name and i never will"

2. Where and when were you born?

"i was born in Johannesburg, which is where the rest of my family were born but we moved alot"

3. Who are/were your parents?

"My father is the 'great' Hoyt Volker, who if you don't know is a drug kingpin and brutal human trafficker, he wasn't really one of the best role models growing up, and is probably why I ended up how I did... My mother was a kind woman who I wished I knew more about, she died when I was about 7 in a fire, and all I have left of her is a necklace"

4. Do you have any siblings?

"An adopted older sister, even if she isn't blood related to my father, he loves her more than his own child, and I used to be jealous of her for a while, but then I realized how drugged up on coke she was, and all I could feel was sorry for her"

5. Where do you live now, and with whom?

"I live in a flat with my two friends, ginger and Leo. The flat is a dumb a pretty bad, but considering where else ive lived its pretty good. Ginger is built like a brick shit house, but pretty thick we keep him for his muscles, Leo is the smart one and he is very good with money, which helps a lot with our small business, both are pretty cool guys, Leo is from America and Ginger is from Germany."

6. What is your occupation?

"I should say student, but my hobby makes a lot of green... And makes many people happy, like stoners, addicts ect... So yes.. I am a dealer.. It used to make my dad happy but not anymore, he said something like "I needed to broaden my business" or something like that bullshit"  

7. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?

"people say im a snob... and a show off... but the ladies seem to like confidence so im fine"

8. What do you have in your pockets?

"bag of something or another, i swear i didn't know it was there, my tie it gets so hot most of the time and the tie never helps, phone, penknife, you never know when it will come in handy...."

9. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?

"I am very very very skinny, and I don't sleep much... And I can get addicted to things very easily"

10. Are you right- or left-handed?

"im a bothy!"

11. What does your voice sound like?

"i have a london accent, and i makes me sound very posh"

12. What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
"and... dude, stupid motherfucker, shut the fuck up you usless dickface"

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