First of all, I thank you greatly for giving this story a chance to be heard and for your time.
I know we all have a love/hate relationship with Tamlin, High Lord of the Spring Court. I am in no way negating what he did to Feyre or condoning it. I mean, this man literally allied with Hybern. It was in a good gesture to get her back but still. Hybern is a true low that got her sisters dunked in the cauldron. Again, I'm not saying Tamlin sort of somewhat doesn't deserve where he's at now.
But, I simply do not agree with how he's been dealt with since his initial beatification in the original ACOTAR novel.
ACOFAS was my breaking point and the heartbreak from how he spent his solstice really ate at me.
Maybe it's because I'm partial to the bad guy or maybe it's also due to my interest in psychology, but when you look at this broken wreck of a man I see a lot of signs of clinical depression, PTSD, and severe underlying childhood trauma that I want to try to bring healing to.
So yes, I know he can be called a 'tampon' and OG feminist Rhysand takes the cake, even in my heart, in terms of best male in the series (not excluding the other two bat boys of the series either...). I just wanted to give him a shot at redemption while trying to assuage the crumpling sadness and ruin that Feyre left his court in.
Bare with me. I might even change your mind about him...I say with the tiniest amount of hope in my heart.
Enjoy the story as it unfolds from the gyri of my brain and onto paper. Er well...the internet.
For those of you that are visual and would like a 'cast' for the story, I'll provide you below with whom I see in my head as I write these characters down on paper.
Clea Levina ... Elizabeth Gilles
Cyra Levina ... Lily James
Cassieopia Levina ... Rachel Weisz
Caelum Levina ... Kellan Lutz
Cain Levina ... Finn Wolfhard
Nila ... Priyanka Chopra
Silas ... Finn Wittrock
Xavier ... Jesse Williams
A Court of Lichen and Twilight / An ACOTAR Fanfiction
Fanfiction50 years ago, we were the fourth solar court. 50 years ago, we erased ourselves from Prythian. 50 years ago, we vowed not to fall. Clea Levina is second in line to her mother's throne. The High lady of the Dusk Court has been taken ill under myste...