Silver Moon Island and its Treasure

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Silver Moon Island, a place of which the gods once lived. An Island protected by storms and mythical monsters, but is now a place of darkness and certain death.

The gods and goddess had lived happily upon the island for centuries. On one sad and unfortunate afternoon on Silver Moon Island, they were invaded by the creatures of the underworld. Manys lives were lost that day and the gods were forced to abandon their homes and escape back into the heavens. Monsters and creatures alike escaped the underworld and took over the island. They could not leave though for the storms and monsters surrounding the island trapped them.

The moon Goddess had left behind a hidden treasure deep within the earth on the island. She left it there for any humans brave enough to travel to the island. This treasure had the ability to destroy the underworld creatures and give immortality to the users as long as they held it. She wished and longed for someone to come and save their once beautiful home.

One day the Moon Goddess came down from the heavens to try and fight the enemy herself as she was tired of waiting for humans to find her treasure. 3 days into her mission she was captured in her sleep by the enemy. She was executed a week later. Upon her death the island was plunged into permanent night. Moments before her death she cursed them, once her blood spilled upon the wood and the ground no demon would be able to leave the sight of the moon. If they did they would surely die and could not be reincarnated.

She did this not only to get her revenge, but to also protect her treasure. Now no demon could ever reach it without dying.

 Upon this Island the moon will shine

It cages the evils to protect the treasure

The goddess of moon said her curse

As she bowed her head soon to be dead

"Go where the moon cant see you, and you will perish."

She had said, her voice strong and dignified

"This is my curse, my blood will keep its godly grip on this land and its creatures. And may my spirit live among the trees and plants to rest."

These were the Goddess last words before the blade came down upon her neck

Her soul became one with the lands of the island

Her sister of Sun weeped for her in the heavens.

The sister of sun made a Human, one that would fulfill her sister's wishes.

She sent him down to earth with the power to live forever.

This man was destined to win back the land of the gods.

An Immortal man, carved from perfection 

A man made to gain attention where ever he might travel

"He shall not travel alone" 

The goddess of Sun had said

"he shall travel with a boy, a boy with the power of the gods"

So that day, she cut off her hand and dropped it from the heavens.

It turned to dust as it fell from the clouds

The little boy as he sit in the dirt next to his step father breathed in the dust

And he was granted the power to slay and kill those made of evil and darkness

"And that's the story of the Sun and Moon Goddess, two sisters who were fated to be apart" Mana had told the boy. The boy with white hair looked at the book in his hands silently "I think the Sun Goddess misses her sister..."

"Indeed she dose Allen, to this day she's still in the heavens mourning for her lost sister. But you are the little boy in the story" Mana told him taking the book from his hands. He put the book in Allen's bag, he sighed softly "Today will be the last day you see me, the immortal man will be looking for you as I believe he has already found you." 

He hugged Allen, and pat his head before standing and walking away. Allen did not know where to which he walked but Mana walked away and left him there at the circus. 

Allen never saw Mana again after that. He assumed he had died and mourned for him for 3 long weeks. One day though, a man with wine red hair arrived at the circus looking for Allen. <could this be the immortal man?> 
And that he was, so within the day Allen was whisked away from the circus and too the sea, upon a boat bigger and sturdier than he had ever seen. The metal upon the wood gleamed in the morning sun. The wood looked new and shiny, free of mold and barnacles and was a nice chocolatey brown. "Woah, this is a huge ship. Is it yours?" Allen had asked

"Yes it is, now get your ass up there" he said pushing him to the ladder. Lets just say the man wasn't AS nice as Allen had imagined. The entire day the man had him working and cleaning the whole ship, doing the dishes and making dinner included. Allen had noticed though, there was no crew, it was simply just Allen and Cross on the ship.

After contemplating why for a good 30 minutes he just went to go ask the man himself. He knocked on the captains quarters. "Sir?"

"come in." came his gruff voice.

Allen opened the door, "why are there no crew?" he asked him. "Huh? Oh, I don't have any yet"
"oh" Allen had responded simply. "Now get back to cleaning boy"

Allen Grumbled angrily and shut the door to go back to cleaning. This was his life now, stuck with Cross Marian


This is the end of this chapter. I know this is pretty poorly written since I'm not like a professional writer or anything. But I hope all of you D gray man fans enjoy this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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