The nickname....

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I am a girl who is really fat and I have a nickname bad ass fat ass fatty McGee.
Two years earlier...

One morning when I was a child my mom said that I'm going to turn out fat, she was right. The next morning in school, I was daydreaming about how I was going to only eat only 100 cupcakes instead of my usual, which is 200. My teacher was trying to ask me a question, but I was daydreaming so I didn't hear. Once I heard the teacher, she said to give her a math problem for the class to solve. I gave her the problem. The problem went like this, if I have 500 cupcakes in one hand and 100 cupcakes in the other hand, how fat am I. The whole class laughed and so did the teacher. Then everyone yelled together, YOU BADASS FATTASS FATTY McGEE. Later that day, people started calling me that name.

Back to the present.....

The whole class is still calling me badass Fattass Fatty McGee. And now the whole school is calling me it. I mean even my friends and family were calling me it. It was getting really annoying, but I knew that it was true. I hope this
doesn't last any longer.

Badass Fattass Fatty McGeeWhere stories live. Discover now