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I screamed.
I kicked.
I swore.
I bit.

I did anything remotely human to free myself from those brown, rotting chains. Which were by my time, long past their age.
This "mad house" as the Fortunate have the luck to call it, has been my home now for 3 months and 22 days. I'm a very precise person. Never letting a single day escape me. Upon my wall an engraved tally chart; which counts down the days until I can get out of this shit hole.
The first day i arrived was the worst, so they tell me.. I couldn't remember. The pills this place puts you on are the only upside to this whole situation, without the pills the reality of what we've become would only just be sinking in. All I remember is the first few hours. The things I saw were certainly not human. Waking to my dorm, I passed cell 11, a girl called Eve, who now Is a very good friend of mine, was ripping her hair out. Not just streaks but chunks and layers; screaming and yelling for sanity.. By this I think she means she wants to feel normal again. Don't we all. By the end of what we call a "M.O.R" 'moment of reality',she had blood dripping down her fingers and scalp, seeping into her eyes. We call it "M.O.R" as it's the only time were really thinking straight. Weird huh? If only you knew. That wasn't even the worst part... It was the look of remorse she gave me that day. With her huge blue eyes she stared at me "help me". It was hopeless. She was hopeless. Next I came across Danny. He was peering through the square, concealed box in his dorm. One eye missing the other yet to be removed while it rotted away in its core. I wouldn't normally admit this, But I will. Being there.. That day, I was more scared than I've ever been.

What I find hilarious is not only that people think I'm mad but they think I'm dangerous. And I am.
To you? No.
To myself? Yes.
And that's because I know the truth about this shitty world .

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