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Has anyone ever told you to take shelter from a storm?

When I was younger I would see it on the news, the warning of a storm. Either a tornado or thunder. My father ignored the warnings because "it wasn't close to us" or "we didn't have to worry because of the town we live in." My mother didn't particularly care about the storms either, she had her nose buried in her paperwork. A lawyer and a realtor who were both infatuated with their work. I always got dinner in those boxes you microwave or they'd give me money for pizza. This storm wasn't going to stop them from being workaholics but they especially weren't dead set on preparing us for the storm that did in fact lie ahead, their work was more important. Sadly being an only child and all of my other family members were too far to help me prepare, I decided to leave and go to one of my neighbors houses temporarily for shelter. The Wilks, they were a pretty nice family, offered me a place to stay or to hang out considering how my parents were. But there I was at 18 years old in the Wilks' basement, wrapped up in a spare blanket watching the kids from the elementary school play Mortal Kombat on some big screen family tv, as a tornado took place outside, my eyes flickered between worried parents and kids just having fun. The parents reassured the kids that nothing bad would happen, a glass of wine would put the mothers at ease and if there was a football game on then the dads would be fine as well. I wasn't, my body was growing more aware of the situation that was surrounding me. I could hear the tough winds and watched as grey bled through the sky, then a darker shade swirled around with such violence. Upon hearing the news of that storm passing, I had also gotten the news from a family friend about my parents were unsuccessful in getting to a shelter in time, they were driving to a shelter apparently but the tornado had swallowed them whole. Leaving me at 18 with a destroyed house full of childhood memories and parents who had practically worked themselves to death, I lost it all in one day. Luckily I put money up and got to go to a college, and I met some great people.

Here I am at 21 living with one of my best friends but ever since then I've been afraid of storms. I sigh deeply as I stare at myself in the mirror, this dress fits me all too well and it's only one night out. It can't be that bad, right? "Do I have to go to this stupid party?" I huff at her from the bathroom "Uh yeah you do because Mark is gonna be there!" Riley smiled, she sure as hell knows I hate that guy solely because he's such a dick to her. He treats her horribly, "Come on Val, it'll be fun! Plus maybe you'll meet a cute guy!" She says as she pulls me out the door of our apartment and down the stairs "Okay but if he's a dick to you I'm having no mercy when beating the shit out of him on the dance floor." I say with a small smile painted on my lips as I walked with her. Having Riley as a roommate sometimes makes me miss living alone, she'll come home drunk a lot and order some shitty food from UberEats. She's ordered a whole pizza so many times, it's absurd. But it's not all that bad, I mean at least I have a job. I open the car door and get in, shuffling through music on before driving us to the bar where some fuckheads birthday party is, I don't even know them, I'm only here for some tequila and maybe more. As soon as we got there Riley walked in and I swear in an instant she was lost among the crowd. Are you shitting me? I walk over to the bartender and he asks what I want "Just 2 shots of tequila and a lime slice on the side, pretty please." I ask so sweetly and he nods then grabs a bottle of tequila, filling up the shot glasses and setting them in front of me then the lime slice on a napkin. I look around trying to spot the blonde bitch who ditched me for the asshole and excuse of a man, Mark. Then I spot her over in the corner with her tongue down his throat, disgusting. I honestly can't see what the hell she sees in that douche bag, he's toxic for her! She's come to me crying so many times and, I am fucking sick of him. I take the two shots of tequila and eat the lime slice before getting up, pulling my phone out and texting her, she responds back and I make sure to mention I'm going to pick her up. Some girls sitting next to me are talking non stop about the son of a rich family and how apparently he's hot? But they're also saying how apparently he's had twenty seven girlfriends? So this guys a douche, and toxic, most likely a literal walking red flag. But jeez those girls need to get out more by the sounds of it. Seriously, drooling over toxic men isn't how you should be spending your friday night at a party. But then again I shouldn't be spending my friday night at a party, third wheeling. I haven't gone on a date in ages, and as sad as it sounds my cat keeps me company, he's all I need. I glance around the place and sit there for 20 solid minutes, playing on my phone, I keep losing on level seven, god I suck at video games. "Fuckin game" I mutter to myself then take 3 shots as fast as I can, downing alcohol seems like my only talent. I notice my peripheral vision becomes blurred while playing the color matching game, oh great, now I'm getting worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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