First Meeting

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I can't sleep. I get out of bed and open my window. I look out at the quiet street, feeling the calmness. I look up, but to my disappointment, there are no stars. Back when I lived in Nebraska, all you had to do was go out your front door to see the sky filled with stars. But now, with all the city lights, there are no stars to be seen for miles. It's kinda sad actually. I pout to myself and fold my arms, putting my head down on them and looking up at the starless sky. My sadness is interrupted when a moped goes speeding by. It heads down the street and turns. I think it's heading towards campus. I wake my parents up to let them know I'm heading back to campus; that I forgot something. I get on my motorcycle and head towards campus, making sure to keep my distance so they don't know I'm following them. 

The moped turns right to head towards the building I played in front of waiting for GoGo, and where I met Honey Lemon - the Institute of Technology building. I continue straight so the person/people on the moped don't notice me. I head around the institute and go in the back door. As I walk in, I see the same two boys that were coming out of the police station earlier tonight coming down the hallway. By how much I've seen them together, I'm assuming they're brothers. I step into a nearby room so they don't see me, which just happened to be the bathroom. Just as I walk in, I run into GoGo walking out.

"Erin," she pops a gum bubble, "what are you doing here?"

"Uhh..." I give a nervous laugh "just wanted to check out how you were coming on the bike."

 "Oh, ok," she says, in a suspicious tone. She shrugs it off though. "you could've at least texted me first. I'm actually about to test out a new set of wheels. Come on in."

We head into the lab.  "Be right back, I gonna go grab the bike. You might want to stand by my desk though. I'm gonna be riding it though here."

"Ok." I say. She leaves me in her little designated area. I stand by her 'desk' (it's actually just a tool bench that she puts her laptop on). I stand there and wait for her to come back.

A few minutes later, I see GoGo coming up the way.  "Watch out!" I say to a kid walking through the door, who is oblivious to what's even going on. I understand why she never brought me here earlier. I probably would have been just as oblivious.


"Heads up!" 


GoGo hangs up her bike and walks away. I run to the kid, "Are you ok? You really should pay attention to your surroundings. You could have been seriously hurt!"

"Um..sorry. Who are you?"

"Oh! My name is Erin. I'm her sister," I say, pointing to GoGo. "and you are?"


"Well Hiro, it's nice to meet you. What are you doing here alone? You seem pretty young to be a college student."

"For your information, I just graduated high school, and I'm not here alone. I was dragged to this nerd lab by my brother, Tadashi." he says, pointing to a, may I say, pretty attractive guy.

I put my hands up in surrender, "Ooh, so-rry."  I push some of the tools out of the way on GoGo's desk, and sit on it.

Hiro walks over to the bike. "Whoa, electro-mag suspention?"

"Hey! Who are you?"


"GoGo, this is my brother, Hiro." That voice. It's beautiful. It could just make anyone melt. And it did me. It's almost bad how quickly I develop crushs on guys, but I can't help it. It just happens.

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