only chapter

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In that moment, standing in front of all their families and friends, all their memories together were flashing in Pierre’s mind. From the days of karting together as kids, the day they realized they loved each other since ever, their first kiss, the day they lost Anthoine, the day that Pierre asked him to be his boyfriend, the sex, the day Pierre won in Monza, the day Pierre was sure that he wanted him to be his forever, the days with Esteban and Lance planning how he was going to ask him in marriage and finally the day he asked the love of his life to be his forever. All the good and bad memories.
And all that lead them to this day, the day of their wedding. Pierre was sweating like crazy, his leg wouldn't stop bouncing and from time to time he would look to Esteban and Lance to calm down and they would smile to him, finding it cute and stressful.

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Esteban was there since the kart days and got to see the love between his two bestfriends grow, all the good and the bad days of their love, and he was really proud and happy for them, two of the most important persons in his life were going to get married today and he had the love of his life on his side. Lance came to his life to change everything, to make Esteban question a lot of things but he was happy that the canadian driver was there for him.
His thoughts were interrupted when Lance got up and he knew what that meant that Charles had finally arrived, 25 minutes late.
“The diva finally showed up”, Esteban said rolling his eyes, and for that comment he received an poke in his ribs and a reproachful gaze from Lance
“Don't say that Este, he only took his time”, Lance said scolding his boyfriend

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When Pierre hearded the song that Charles picked for his entrance his head snapped to look at the door from where the love of his life was going to show up, just to see Penelope with her pretty dress, throwing the flowers and as she approached him he was sure that he would melt with such cute sight. When she arrived at his side he got down to her height and kissed her cheek saying thank you to the little girl that ran to her father.
He looked back at the doors when he started to hear the whispers and he saw the man of his life walking in his direction, hot as always on his black Armani suit and his red roses bouquet, with Sebastian on his side. When Charles had to make the hard decision of picking who would walk him to Pierre the first person that came to his mind was Seb, he was an role model and even an father figure for both of them. Charles smiled to Pierre, the prettiest smile Pierre ever saw, and all Pierre could think was that he was deeply in love with the younger Ferrari driver.
Pierre was crying when Sebastian handed him off, with a smile and tears in his eyes, and went to sit next to Lewis, his husband. Pierre only had eyes to the man standing in front of him with that beautiful smile and tears in his eyes, Charles grabbed the hands of the AlphaTauri driver and both smiled even more to each other.
“Hey, you look stunning”, whispered Charles to Pierre that was in his navy blue AlphaTauri suit, an offer of his team, “Thank you, you look stunning too love”, Pierre whispered back blushing.
Their little moment was interrupted by the priest, asking if he could start the ceremony. “We are gathered here today to witness the next step in the beautiful love story of Pierre Gasly and Charles Leclerc”, he began
“I know that the grooms have written their own vows” the priest said looking at the two men. Pierre nodded and turned to Charles with a smile on his face. “Charles, mon petit calamar, you’re the love of my life, the person that is by my side since the kart days, we fought together since the beggining of this love and now we’re here, showing everyone that we were made for each other, that we’re soulmates. I love you more than anything in the world, even more than racing” Charles chuckled with the tears running free in his face “Jules, Anthoine and especcially your dad would be so proud of you, for all that you accomplished so far and for finding the person that makes you happy, and i promise to you and to everyone in this room that i’ll be by your side everyday for as long as you want me, i love you forever” Pierre smiled at his soon to be husband that was crying even more with the mention of the other 3 men.
Now it was Charles turn, “Mon calamar, i love you since ever, i always knew that one day i would marry you and that we would live happy forever. We went through many obstacles to reach this day, but all the obstacles and discussions only made us stronger than ever, even stronger than Mercedes and Lewis dominance” all in the room chuckled “but i know that someone really important to you is missing today, but i’m sure that Anthoine is really proud of you, for showing everyone that you deserve to be fighting with the best and for taking care of me so well, i promise to love you forever and always and to always be by your side”.
At that moment everyone in the room was a mess of tears, everyone knew this meant a lot to both boys, they were happy but unfortunately something was missing but it only strengthened them making everyone up there proud.
The priest turned to Pierre, “Do you, Pierre Gasly, accept Charles Leclerc as your husband, promising to be faithful, to love and respect him, in joy and sorrow, in health and sickness, in wealth and poverty, all the days of your lives, until death do you apart?”. Pierre looked deep inside Charles’ eyes, “I do” he said smiling brightly.
And now the priest turned to Charles “and do you, Charles Leclerc, accept Pierre Gasly as your husband, promising to be faithful, to love and respect him, in joy and sorrow, in health and sickness, in wealth and poverty, all the days of your lives, until death do you apart?”. “I do” sniffled Charles, his eyes never leaving Pierre’s and smiling brightly too.
They exchanged rings and feeling of the rings in their fingers made it even more real and made them both incredibly happy to finally being married to each other. “With all the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband, you can kiss the groom”
Pierre and Charles’ lips meet in the middle, starting an deep kiss full of love and happiness. The church erupted with cheers and applauses as the two men kissed.
They still couldn't believe that their dream of getting married had finally come true and they couldn't be happier.
The next step was having kids, but that conversation would be later in their lives because now all they cared about was celebrating their love with their families and friends.

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