André and Livia's night out

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Year: 2078, February 19th, Angel City, Texas.

Whilst sleeping in the living room of his shared apartment, André has his phone on the table as he just got home from volunteering at the orphanage all night, but as he rested, a text came through on his phone.

"Rell, baby, I remember you saying that you wouldn't be busy today. I know it's on short notice, but would you like to come over? We haven't talked in what feels like forever, and I miss you, so fucking much. Let's go out for the day, what do you say?"

At first, he didn't notice as he slept, but the phone started to vibrate as someone had sent a video.

André sleepily picks the phone up, unlocking it and looks at the video that was sent.

Once he managed to check, he saw it was from Livia, his longtime best friend and now girlfriend.

"Tada! New color for my bra! I was gonna wait until tonight to show you, but I guess I'm kind of an impatient girl sometimes. What do you think? Like it? Or should I change back to the black lace bra you've seen over a hundred times by now? And relax, no one's in this corner of the store, I'm not gonna be spotted. So don't worry ok!"

After seeing such a sight, André blushed brightly as his dick pitched a tent in his pants.

"Gahdammit Liv! Stop teasing me so early in the morning!! Great now I'm gonna have her tits on my mind all day until tonight......Fuck it I'll rub one out then back to bed!?"

5 hours later, 7 PM, South Side of Angel City.

Now in his custom made camaro, André has "Montero" by Lil Nas X playing, knowing it's Livia's favorite song.

He's waiting outside the car as he's in front of the apartment Livia shares with her two best friends, Kenna and Aolani, as the three girls walked outside of they're apartment, Kenna is still weary of André. Whilst Livia and Aolnai aren't, knowing he's the grim reaper of angel city.

"Liv, are you sure you can trust him? I mean he is the grim reaper of angel city after all, the man is a bounty hunter who literally kills his targets even when it's not necessary!"

Kenna said quietly under her breath, but as she did, Livia turned and looked at André, seeing what he is and what he's been through.

"Trust me Keni, he's not bad, he's just been through some things, and I mean, dating the most dangerous guy in the city is a plus in my book!"

Livia sticks her tongue out at them as she walks down the stairs.

"Make sure you call us Liv, so we know when you're coming home!?"

Aolani said as she waved at Livia and André.

Once Livia had gotten to the car, she was blushing now that she was in front of André.

"H-hey Rell, how've you been?"

Livia asked as the two gets in the car and drives off towards the main highway.

Several minutes later, on the route to San Antonio.

The windows of the car are wide open as they drive through the bright lights of san antonio. André turns up the radio, letting the speakers boom as "Next to you" by Chris brown and Justin Bieber plays on the stereo.

"oh shit! I fucking love this song!!" Livia yells. She still have this song in her playlist on spotify.

Livia and André start singing the lyrics together.

Once at a red light, André points at her with a flirty wink when the lyrics sang: "And baby, everything that I have is yours, you will never go could or hungry!" She didn't know what came to her but after he did that, she kissed him on the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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