˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 07

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Y/N Pov:
Me and rindou got to know eachother more and to be honest,i think im already falling for him already...

Everytime that we see eachother it just excites me and everytime he do romantic actions onto me i just cant help but to be flustered by it.

And to be more updated,the wedding will be due next week.

I smiled at the thought of getting married with him and thats when my phone started ringing,it was a phone call from rindou.

I instantly answered it and hearing his voice is already a weakness of mine.

Hey y/n!

Hi rin! Wazzup?

I just finished my photoshoot for today,it was hella tiring.

I giggled at his answer.

You should take a rest.

Yeah i am,how about you?

It was my day off for today and im quite bored here.


Ughh goddamn! He's lazy voice is illegal,gashh god help me please-

I just decided not to say anything when i heared a girl's voice far behind of the call.

The voice said "who are you talking to?". Is it her sister or something cause it was a girl's voice.

I noticed rindou panicking behind the call so he bid me goodbye and shutted down the call instantly,what the hell just happened?

I just shaked the thought and the first thing that went to my mind was maybe it was her sister.

With rindou:
"Akira why did you just popped out like that?"

"Im asking you a question,who the hell are you talking to?" Akira was being mad and i've had enough of her being like this so i slammed my hand on the table making her flinch.

"You want to know that badly? Its y/n. Happy now?"

"Are you falling for her already? When you said that you wouldnt love anybody else than me"

"Things can always change akira,i can just kick you out whenever i want to. So you better behave"

"Wow,so you've already fallen for her that fast"

"Stop it,akira"

"Why? Is she that pretty? Did her wicked charms got to you?"


"I said stop it didnt i?"

"...i cant believe you of all people slapped me.."

"Im getting tired of this already,lets end it"

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