Chapter Sixteen "Spirits"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{1:15 p.m.}

Laff was getting bored by just standing or he prefer saying it as 'floating' in the air. After he ate the poison apple in the forest, Laff realised he had became a spirit which had a few special abilities such as teleportation and can make his whole body half see through.

At that time,he was kinda confused about what just happened and didn't have time to react when he saw the gang running towards his direction. Laff was shocked but not shocked about his death yet,he saw a see through dinosaur with a kid with two top hats floating above the gang.

Basically that was the time where Laff met Dino and Nadwe and learnt about their new form. Now he was told to watch over Socks to see if he's awake yet while Nadwe watched over Meme.Dino watched over Woolf,Joocie and Tbh.

Laff was watching Socks eyes closed,laying on the floor with injuries all over his body.Honestly,if Laff was still alive,he would probably try to wake him up but they can't be visible in front of them. He sometimes forgot he was invisible to them and just went to talk to them without them responding.

Without warning,Dino suddenly appeared beside Laff,making him jumped a bit since he still not used to it yet. "You really need to stop doing that" Laff said in an annoying tone. Dino rolled his eyes "Don't worry. You will get used to it soon" he said in confident.

"Anyways,aren't you supposed to watch over Woolf, Joocie and Tbh? Why are you here?" Laff asked as he quickly changed the subject. "And Blaza" Dino suddenly said in a serious tone.

Laff raised an eyebrow at him. "Blaza? You found him with them?" he asked. Dino nodded slowly. "But something is wrong with him. I sometimes caught him staring at me directly but not in a shock or happy look" he explained.

"Did you accidentally turned visible in front of them?" Laff asked,curious about the situation. "No! The others didn't even saw me,only Blaza did" Dino defended himself. They both stay silent for a while before Dino spoke again. "That might not be the real Blaza."

Laff nodded in agreement. After the three spirits saw the explosion,the first people they found were Socks and Blaza.The one with more experience than the others,Dino noticed that Blaza had stop breathing but they didn't noticed his spirit form near the body. They decided to search for him in case he got confused about what happened.

After one hour of searching,they didn't found Blaza but Woolf and Joocie under a tree with injuries. Dino sighed in relief,seeing his best friend is okay. During their search,the three spirits had found Meme with Tbh and Muffin buried under the shattered walls and furnitures.

Without Laff and Dino notice,Nadwe quickly turned visible in front of his unconscious best friend and teleported him out of the shattered walls and furnitures and went back to invisible. They both did noticed Muffin went disappeared afterwards but didn't suspected Nadwe yet.

As the three of them headed back to where Socks and Blaza (dead body) located (at 1:05 p.m),Blaza had magically disappeared,leaving Socks alone on the ground. After that,they decided to watch over their other friends first, if possible they could find Blaza and Muffin in the process which Dino did successfully found one.

"Hey,guys!" A voice called out. Laff and Dino turned to see Nadwe flying towards them happily. "And aren't you supposed to watch over Meme?" Laff asked,raising an eyebrow at him. "Well- it's getting kinda boring,besides they are just nearby here" Nadwe answered.

"They?" Dino asked. Nadwe paused for a while before he answered. "Meme and Muffin. They found each other and decided to have a look around the broken mansion" Both of them nodded in response.

"That's good news then. I found Blaza too but he was acting really weird." Dino said. Nadwe raised an eyebrow "Like how weird?" he asked. "He wasn't acting his usual active or playful self" Dino said.

While Dino and Nadwe were talking,Laff looked over to Socks and saw that he was awake and was groaning in pain due to the injury at his right leg. "Hey guys. Socks's awake." Laff called to his spirit friends.

Nadwe and Dino stopped their talk and looked towards Socks. "Should we do something? I mean he can't walk by himself" Nadwe asked,looking at the two elders. Laff shook his head while Dino flied towards Socks.

"Did one of you guys removed the wall that was on his leg?" Dino asked in curious,seeing that the wall wasn't on Socks's leg anymore. "Yes,I did it mate" Laff said as he flied towards him with Nadwe behind.

"Your lucky no one noticed that.... what if the others saw it!" Dino mumbled. "But no one noticed it apart from us,right?" Laff defended himself. While they were both talking,Nadwe being the naughty and curious one,decided to try out something.

He wanna test out to see if spirits can really pass through anyone so he decided to try it on Socks. He placed his hand on Socks's shoulder and sadly it had passed through. Nadwe felt like he accidentally used his spirit powers but ignored it when he got caught red handed by the other two spirit friends.

"Nadwe,are you trying to touch Socks to see if your hand pass through him?" Laff asked. Nadwe stayed silent for a while before answering. "I don't know! It's worth a try!" he said but sound like shouting.

(No dirty mind pls)

Before Laff could said anything,they heard a shout coming from the orange spaceman. "What the hell!?"

The three of them looked towards Socks and saw him looking at them (mostly Nadwe) eyes widen. "Uhh..." Dino was speechless,didn't know what to say. Laff facepalmed in annoyed while Nadwe acted like nothing happened.

"Nadwe? Is that you?" Socks asked in shock. Nadwe make eye contact with Laff and Dino,didn't know what to do. "I think you accidentally turned visible while you were doing your 'experiment'..." Dino guessed. Laff nodded in agreement and spoke "You are on your own since you caused this"

Nadwe looked back to Socks,seeing him waiting for an answer. He sighed out loud. "Yes,it is me... I know you are probably confused but Dino and Laff can explain it to you" he said the last part as he looked towards them.

"What?!" Laff,Dino and Socks shouted,making Nadwe flinched a bit.

"You can't just drag us into this!"

"Mate- why are you putting the explanation on us?"

"Laff and Dino are here too?!"

"And I make it even worse..." Nadwe thought as he smirked proudly.

Chapter Sixteen🤷🏻‍♀️

Summary: Dino,Nadwe and Laff had became spirits with special abilities after their death and were looking over their friends safety. By accident,Nadwe turned visible in front of Socks,causing chaos between himself with his three other friends.

So,I'm gonna explain this first.
Socks didn't have ability to see spirits like you all thought,it was just Nadwe accidentally turned visible in front of him.
More explanation of their spirits abilities will be out at future chapters.
Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1241

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