Cheater, cheater

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The girls are staring at their father kissing another woman. Natasha quietly takes her sisters hand and heads back inside. They see their mother grabbing her keys.

"Girls, I thought I told you to wait in the car." Katherine says.

"The doors looked." Natasha quickly lies. She doesn't want her mom to see her dad kissing Renee.

"Oh. Well let's go. Do you girls want to ask your dad to come along?" Katherine ask.

"Uh, mom can we just go, just the three of us?"

"Sure." Katherine says and walks outside. Luckily, Brad had stopped kissing Renee and let her leave. He was walking up the drive way when his wife stopped him. "I'm taking the girls to get frozen yogurt, want me to bring you one back?"

"Um, I'm good. Be safe." Brad says and kisses his wife. Natasha sees this and is disgusted. How can her father kiss Renee, and then pretend like it never happened?


The girls and Katherine are on their way home when Natalie says something shocking.

"Mommy, daddy was kissing that lady that came over for dinner. That's why we came in."

"What? No, you are joking." Katherine says but she has a feeling it's true.

"Mommy, I'm not joking."

"I don't want to hear anything else about it." Katherine says.

"But mom she's-" Natasha starts but her mom interrupts her.

"I said I don't want to hear anything else about it."


The girls are asleep and Brad is sitting on his and his wife's bed watching tv. Katherine walks in and sits on the bed.

"You know, Natalie is a little jokester. On the ride home, she said that you were kissing Renee." Katherine starts tearing up. "It's not true is it. Tell me it's not true. Brad, tell me you aren't cheating on me."

"I would never do that. Why would I?" Brad says and gets up and walks over to Katherine and kisses her. She totally forgets about that until she sees a hickey on his neck.

"You BASTARD!!" Katherine yells. "You cheated on me. I knew it. YOU HAVE BEEN HAVING SEX WITH THAT SLUT!!! I can't believe this. You're ruining our family. Our girls will remember their father as a cheater and this baby will never know its father." Katherine says.


"Yes, I am pregnant. I was going to tell you tonight at dinner, but you invited that skank, Renee."

"I will be there for our kids. It was a mistake."

"No, it was not because you will get the hell out of this house and never come back. I can't believe you had the nerve to cheat on me. Was I not good enough? Did you think about the girls? You know what I don't want to know, just get the hell out of this house." Katherine says loud enough for natasha to hear. Brad tries to plead with Katherine but she's not taking any of his promises. He leaves and Natasha follows.

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