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(A/N)- hey peoples what's up? This story is based on a really weird dream I had once.  I wrote a report about it in sixth grade, and I just found it again today. Although this is my first time publishing on Wattpad, it's not my first time writing, so don't skip over it for that reason. Please give feedback, and tell me how I did.


There are no raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses.

It's sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses

At the shade of the sheets and before all the stains

And a few more of your least favorite things.

(Build God, Then We'll Talk - Panic! At The Disco)

Something happened. Squad Levi had been put into a competition of the squads, a fight to the death of which we were the least prepared.  It was Erwin's sadistic idea of  a training exercise, used to weed out those of us who weren't strong enough to be in the Survey Corps.

Apparently, there was something in the potatoes that we were fed the night before, because I awoke on a path, lined with huge redwoods.  I was with my squad, next to a fork in the path, where one part went upward, but the same direction. None of us had our 3DMG. This was going to be fun. Not. A guy from a different squad, who was wearing a t-shirt so bright blue that my eyes hurt, snuck up behind Eld, who was on the higher path, and wrapped his massive hands around his neck.  How could he be so stealthy in such a bright color?  

I had seen this group in training before.  It was an all boys squad, one of the newer divisions, and every one of the members were highly trained in rapid assfixiation.  

I scrambled up the steep slope, my fingers desperately clawing at the stray clods of dirt, trying to get a handhold.  I realized that I would have to go up the path to get to Eld, but in my frenzy to save him, I had wasted too much precious time.  I started up the path, but it was too late.  I just caught a glimpse of a bruised purple neck, and blonde hair as his lifeless body crumpled to the ground, before a big ass tree in a bright blue t-shirt blocked my view.  I could see his hands reaching towards me, and knew that there was no time to grieve.

As if in slow motion, and I turned, and scrambled around the bend of the path, falling and scraping my hands.  I could hear the whistle of the air as his hands came hurtling towards me, then the clap, and growl of frustration as he realized he missed.  I got up, and ran away as fast as I could, leaving most of Squad Levi behind.  Auruo and Petra, who had followed me, soon became tired.  I knew we would have to stop and rest soon.

Then, the scene changed.  We had set up camp next to a huge rectangular pool, lined with tiles and concrete.  It was full of colorful bubbles.  Auruo and Petra had set up camp near a corner of it, next to the steep incline of shrubs and loose rocks, across from the only path out of the valley that we were in.  They were drinking water from the pool, fishing out bubbles, and biting into them, breaking the smooth, flexible protective substance that was keeping the bubbles intact.  Inside was a gel, that was flavored like fruit. The light orange ones tasted like mango, and the blue ones tasted like blue raspberry lollipops. They're my favorite flavor.  But the most energizing ones were green.  Cucumber.

But eventually we became tired of the fruit, needing the salty protein of meat to stay alive.  Petra decided to go and hunt, taking her daggers and rope.  Before she left, Auruo pulled her aside.  He started whispering to her, and they both looked at me.  Then, he took something out of his pocket.  Thinking that they might be plotting against me, I snuck over, crouched behind a bush, and listened to their conversation.  

"It's so that you never forget who you are.  If you get lost, you need to remember yourself."  He pressed a locket into her hand.  Inside, there was a mirror on each side.  She looked up at him, and smiled.  

"Well, I have to go."she said, looking around.  "Where's Eren?"  Auruo shrugged as  I came out of my hiding place, and we wished her well.  then, she walked away, and disappeared over the hill.  Everything was okay, until she returned.  

It was near midnight when Petra came back.  Auruo and I had set up a pretty good camp, and no other soldiers seemed to want to bother us, which was weird, seeing as pretty much everyone was camped around the pool.  We were sitting outside of our makeshift lean-to, and talking about nothing in particular, when we heard a rustling in the shrubbery.  Jumping up and grabbing our weapons was second nature by that time, and we immediately went into a defensive position.  It was just Petra.  We sighed in relief.  But something was wrong.  Her hair was a mess, and though empty handed, she was covered in blood, and breathing hard.  Something glinted on her neck, and I looked down to see the locket.  One of it's mirrors had been shattered.  Somehow I knew that neither of us was safe.  

I backed away slowly, pulling Auruo along beside me.  He stumbled, drawing Petra's attention.  When she looked at him, there was something in her eyes that told me to run.  Whether it was the savage way she studied me, like I was going to be her next meal, or the fact that she was panting, I don't know.  Either way, I was out of there.  Leaving Auruo behind, I scrambled along the path, once again running away from something that I would not be able to evade forever.

Then, I came around a bend to a weird looking structure that was segmented, and changing color.  Whenever a part of it turned black, it would scorch the person on it.  In the middle of the whole thing was a desk that I recognised as Erwin's.  Somehow, I knew that that was where I needed to go.  I stepped up onto one of the platforms, reaching out my hand to touch the ladder, When the segment I had touched turned black. I screamed in pure agony, unable to take my hand away. My skin bubbled and smoked against the igneous metal, blistering, popping, and blistering again. It was sick and horrible, but I couldn't look away. I could feel every single nerve in my hands overloading and dying, going out like lightbulbs.  By then, I had lost all feeling in my hands, and I finally prised them off of the now cool metal bar, when I heard a voice behind me.

"There you are, we've been looking for you!" I turned in horror, trying to prepare myself for the image that I was about to see.  No amount of preparation would have been enough for the sight before me.  

This beast was not Petra.  Petra's soul once inhabited this body, yes, but this was not her anymore.  This creature had sunken eyes, black as night, and was drenched in blood.  This creature had adorned itself with the entrails of those it had murdered. This creature was the stuff of nightmares. It reached out to me and I lost it, screaming for Armin, for Levi, for someone to come and help me.

"Eren!" My eyes shot open and I sat up, the chains around my wrists clanking.  I looked around, and saw Lance Corporal Levi himself outside of my cell. I had never been so happy to find myself in a dungeon. Then, I realized something.

"Corporal, you- you said my first name."

"Tch, I don't know what you're talking about, brat."

(A/N)- tELL ME ABOUT THE STORY OH MY GOD CAPS LOCK IS ON AND I'M TOO LAZY TO TURN IT OFF AND REWRITE THAT PART. Anyways, please give feedback. how was it? should I write more? Or just flame. I honestly don't give a damn! I love all of you! Until next time, guys.

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