Starry eyed!

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Vixel flew as far away as possible, and into the cold, depths of space. She didn't want to look back, but her curiosity made her. She started at the small, red, orange, black, and grey dot on the planet. The planet with green seas, blue land, and large, snake like creatures(1) like her were common. She realised how small of a part she played in the huge, massive world. No- the huge, massive galaxy.

As she floated deeper and deeper into space, she became very glad that she was a Light Drake, one of the few Magic Drakes that could go into space (The few drakes that can are as follows; Light, Dark, Yin, Yang, Space, Star, and Void).

Though happy, she was sad, angry, and confused. Why did they burn her house down? Why did they nuke it? Why were her friends not answering her calls? Most importantly though, why was her best friend smiling at the destruction of her home?

This caused her rainbow colors to fade away in to a white, her black bat wing detaching, becoming white, and hovering an inch or two above her back, her red bird wing doing the same. Her body split into 5 large rectangles, a triangle for the tail, a spade for the tip of the tail, and her head, which her indigo eyes became large, black, Xs, and her mouth was no longer existent. A tear slipped out of her eye, shining brightly in the darkness of space.


She ran as far as her legs would take her, and still farther than that. Her legs muscles burned, about to give way, from all of the running. She cried slightly from the pain, but she kept running. The men that had kept her captive were chancing her, nets in their hands and tranquilizer guns in their hands. They shot at her, but missed. She was too fast.

Once she had lost the men, she collapsed onto the dark brown dirt, which flew up into dust. Curious, she used her psychic powers to collect the dust together in order to study it. When she did that, it fell to the ground as dirt again.

Amazed at her discovery, she smiled and pranced around, taking in the new scenery. She had never seen trees, bushes, barriers, or even dirt like the ones here before! She was so used to everything being so monochrome, she forgot what most colors looked like! Except the ones on her own skin, which was a blur of blue, pink, purple, indigo, and light blue. She walked over to a large lake nearby, drinking greedily, as she was very parched.

She stared at her reflection after drinking, staring into it's pink eyes and surveying the light blue gem on her forehead, which had a small crack in it. Wires of all shapes and colors sprouted out of it and dug into her forehead. This reminded her that no matter what she was or what she looked like, she was still man-made, like those computers that they would use to train her and the other Psyoweapons(2).

She sighed and continued onward, looking for some food.


Hay guys! The Admin here! And here's the other book Kokoro was talking about! I may or may not continue this- think of this chapter as a pilot episode- but a chapter. If it goes smoothly, I'll post two chapters containing info on the two characters introduced so far. More may be introduced, but one more is definitely coming into the picture, and when they do, there will be a chapter explaining their info. Without farther delay, here's the number thingies (I forgot what they were called ._.)!

(1): These as called Magic Drakes (But they look more like Wyrms), and there are SO MANY DIFFERENT SPECIES. To name a few (from rarest to least rare): Light, Dark, Yin, Yang, Space, Star, Void (These are all super rare), Rose, Cherry Blossom, Butterscotch, Bubblegum, Glacier, Snowflake, Rain (these are all kinda common, but not too common), Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Tree, Bush, Brick, Clay, Glass, Sand, Electricity, and Music (These are all very common). More about them later.

(2): Psyoweapons are drake like creatures created by the government, and just like MGs (Magic Drakes), THEY HAVE SO MANY VARIATIONS. Most are like the elements, Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Electricity, Sound, Iron, etc., but some are very rare and are treated very specially. The character in this book is one of these, and she is a Star/Nebula Psyoweapon, and the only current one that is of that species. Any who, these special breeds include; Dark, Light, Music, Color, Monochrome, Jewels, Void, Moon, and Star/Nebula. More about these later.

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