Joining Class 1-A

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"Class today we have a new student joining the hero course" The sleepy teacher Mr. Aizawa had said as he stepped out of his yellow sack. "Some of you may already know him and some of you may not" Aizawa explained. "You may come in and introduce yourself while I go back to sleep you will also sit next to Iida our class rep" Aizawa said as the new student walked in.Hitoshi Shinsou. "Hello everyone my name is Hitoshi Shinsou for those who don't know anyways uhm... who am I sitting by again?" Shinsou said. "Its me" Iida says standing up and raising his hand. 'Oh great a nerd' Shinsou thought to himself as he took his seat next to Iida. "Everyone listen up as class rep I think we should all" Iida began then looked at the sleeping teacher. "As class rep I think we should all do whatever the hell we want!" He finished with a smile the sat on his desk. 'A bad boy nerd now that's kinda hot' Shinsou blushed at the thought. As Iida sat on his desk he was soon crowded by a bunch of girls.

"Back the fuck up" Iida says jumping off his desk and walking over to sir on Shinsou's desk.
"Whats up pretty boy" Iida smiles at Shinsou. "Pretty boy?" Shinsou repeated. "Yup your a pretty boy" Iida said cupping Shinsou's face in his hands causing Shinsou to blush a bit. "Anyways welcome to 1-A" Iida said as he put his feet on the desk next to him.


Words- 261

Thanks for all the love on my other stories I love yall so much byeeeee!

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