Surviving the night (part 2)

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Drake's P.O.V

I can't believe I'd actually be in this office defending against killer animatronics. I sit at the right door, my hand on the button for the light. I hear some movement going on in the hallway. I check the light and stick my head outside. I see nothing. I pull my head back inside and check the time on the tablet. It's 1:29.

"Christ, this night is going slow. I thought we'd at least have one of them coming here to kill us." I say in a bored tone.

"You're not in any way scared shitless by the fact that we might get stuffed into animatronics?" Mike says sarcastically. I shrug.

"Of coarse I am. I just expect them to try a little harder." I say as I return to my spot and listen closely for any sounds. I don't hear anything, but I see a large round figure with a faint purple/pink glow coming from its eye in the distance. Then my own eye glows its usual purple.

"Uh, Drake, Chica's at the end of the hall." Mike says.

"I see her." I say turning to him. The moment I turn back, the figure's gone. I turn on the light, and shut the door immediately. She was so fast, I look away for a split second and she might be right in front of me. That's something Springtrap should've mentioned.

"Hey Spring, why didn't you tell us that these animatronics can teleport!?" I say turning around to face him.

"Teleport? I know their spirits are scary but not that scary." He says.

"Then how did Chica move from the end of the hall to the door in a split second?" I say motioning to the door.

"I don't know!?" Springtrap screams. There's a sudden silence in the office, and the faint sound of animatronic feet running toward the office starts getting louder and louder. And there's only one animatronic that runs in this entire place.

"Foxy." We all mutter. Springtrap rushes to the door and presses the button, then the door quickly closes. Before it does I catch a glimpse of silver sliding and stopping in front of the door. We hear a Foxy banging on the door.

"GO AWAY! Please?" Mike screams at the door.

Yaar, ye were lucky. Next time I'll make sure I get to ya, and ye won't see me comin' laddie. Just ye wait.

We then hear the footsteps walking in the opposite direction. After that we open both doors. Chica's gone, thank god. The whole pizzaria is quiet, very quiet. All I could hear is Mike breathing. Springtrap doesn't really make much noise when he's not moving that much. It's so quiet that I barely even notice how much time had actually passed.

"Hey Mike, what's the time?" I ask.

"Time for you to get a watch." He says sarcastically. I hear Springtrap chuckle and I feel my cheeks going a bit red.

"Oh, so you wanna be a savage little nerd huh? Why not say that to Freddy? I'm sure he'll love to hear you say that." I say in the same sarcastic tone. There's silence.

"It's 3:57." Mike says defeatedly.

"Cool, only 2 hours and 3 minutes until we can leave this hell house." I say. I then take a look at Mike's tablet. We're at 68% power. That should be able to last us until 6AM, I hope.

"Freddy's not on stage." Mike says. I then quickly scramble to the door and turn on the light. The moment I do quickly I shut the door and rest my back on it, gasping for breath.

"He's outside, isn't he?" Mike asks. I nod in response.

"Yup." I say.

"Well, there goes our power." Springtrap says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Freddy's smart. He knows that the office doesn't have an unlimited power source, so he's most likely gonna be at that door until he's either bored or until power runs out." Springtrap explains.

"Okay, that's a problem." I say under my breath. I turn in the light and see a shadow on the walls. He's still there.

'Ugh, go away already' I say to myself.

Yeah, he's gonna be there for a while. Typical Freddy, stubborn as always

I jump back and turn around. I see another one of the six spirits. It sounded like a little girl this time. She has black and white stripes all over her arms, two buttons on her chest and a puppet mask with tears running down. And if I'm being honest, she's a little more creepy than the others.

"Uh, hi?" I mutter.

"Who are you talking to?" Mike asks giving me a suspicious look.

"Oh, she's here, great." Springtrap says sounding annoyed.

Terrible to see you too Springtrap

She said that in the same annoyed tone. Obviously they have some bad history, and a certain feeling of hatred to each other.

"Is it another one of the spirits?" Mike asks.

"Yup." Me and Springtrap say at the same time.

Wait, he can't see me?

"Nope." I tell her.

"What did the spirit say?" Mike asks.

"She's just surprised that you can't see her." I say.

"What do you want Puppet?" Springtrap asks snarling at the spirit.

Why should I tell you after what you did to me?

"That was over twenty years ago!" Springtrap shouts.

"Uh, guys?" Mike says, but neither Springtrap or 'the puppet as Springtrap calls her, ignore him in n their own heated argument.

You took me away from my dad!

"Guys!" Mike calls again. They still ignore him.

"So what if I did? HE DESERVED IT!" Springtrap shouts again.

"GUYS!!!" Mike shouts. Me, Springtrap and the puppet all jump back shocked. I've been friends with Mike for years, and all those years he's been the quiet one between us two. I've never heard him shout like that before. I'm scared of him now. I'm pretty sure he scared the animatronics away with that.

"I'm not sure what's happening, but we have better things to worry about. So shut up and focus!" He says with authority. I stare at him and feel my cheeks start getting hot. Then the realisation hits me and I shake the the feeling off my face.

"Damn, never thought you could be this scary Mike." Springtrap says.

Neither did I

"Drake, check the door. I think Freddy's gone now." Mike says.

"Yes sir." I say mindlessly. I can feel Mike's eyes staring into the back of my neck with surprise and confusion. I just ignore it and press the light. No shadow on the wall. Freddy's gone. I open the door, relieved that the big brown nightmare machine is gone and won't be coming back for a while. I then focus my attention to the tablet in Mike's hands. It's at 42% now.

'Crap.' I say to myself. But then I notice that it's about eight minutes past 4. Hopefully 46% will be enough to last us the night.

"Less than 2 hours left." I mutter. It's not so long now. All I have to hope for is that those dumb animatronics don't cause too much trouble for us.


Hey everyone. Sorry for the wait. I've been working on ideas for a new book. And guess what, it's gonna be the first LGBTQ book that I write. Well unless you count what's gonna happen in this one soon, then that one will be the second. Okay, I'm just gonna end it here cuz I said too much already. And I might've spoiled one of the future chapters for you. Sorry in advance, and see you all in the next chapter.

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