chapter one: the decision

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"Hey look its Greer the queer" I hustle past Logan, one of the reasons everyone thinks I'm a bad person.

My short legs can't get me away from him fast enough before he grabs the back of my neck and steers me threw the crowded hallway and to a empty classroom.

He throws me into it and steps in his friends not far behind and they all gather around my spot on the floor, I knew better than to get up.

"What, not saying anything? Why not I wanna hear that voice of yours Greer." I keep my lips sealed like all the other times.

"Fine I'll give your a reason not to talk" he kicks my stomach hitting the bruises and cuts that are already there. I immediately curl into a ball, he steps over me and grabs my hair.

He pulls my head up the slams it in the floor, yanking my head up again, "shit. A teacher is coming!" One of logans friend whisper yells stopping him.

"Well Chris, you know what to do." Logan says walking up to the guy on my right, Chris draws back his fist and sends it straight to Logan's face, leaving a red mark on his face that will bruise.

I already know where this is going. The teacher walks in and gasps, "What's going on here." She asks but you can tell she already has a idea.

"Mrs. Winters, thank god your here. Morgan tried to start a fight with me, see." Logan shows her the forming bruise on his face and she then looks to me.

"And what happened to you" she hisses out glaring at me, "it was self defense, honest. I didn't want to but he made me" Logan lies and Mrs. Winters glare only darkens.

She turns around to Logan, "its okay sweetie, go and get checked out by the nurse. Your poor face, get it checked out and call your parents to pick you up." She coos at him.

She looks back at me and her glare returns, "this is the last straw Mr.Greer! We have given you plenty have warnings but you never learn. Your hopeless! Principles office. Now." She goes back to Logan and fusses Some more.

I silently pick myself up and carefully walk out and to the office, I feel the cuts and bruises on my face and stomach stinging and screaming for me to slow down but I can't make the principle wait it will only make everything worse.

Sorry, I should introduce myself, I am Morgan Greer im 16 and 5'3, um...I like, I don't know, I don't like to do much. Oh! I like to take pictures! My sister got me doing it, she said something about them being worth a thousand words, I-i think, maybe it was something else...but I like to think they will talk for me so I don't have to.

What else do you guys need to know...I live with my parents...and everyone thinks I get into fights but I don't bruises are either from Logan or other people.

I don't try and deny it because it would raise questions, ones I don't want to answer and people thinking I get bruises from fighting makes everything easier!

Walking at a slower pace then before make it to the office, the secretary waves me threw not even sparing a glance.

I duck my head and walk to the white door only to be called in before knocking, I guess Mrs. Winters told him.

I slip threw the door and sit in the chair I always do, its the one closer to door. "I'm going to get right to it Morgan, this is it, I can't just keep suspending you. Your our best student academically speaking, and I don't want to expel you for that reason." He sighs.

Mr. Ford, he's a shorter guy but taller than me, salt and pepper hair, and he's the nicest person here. Well to me anyway, everybody else couldn't care less about expelling me.

Knowing I won't talk he continues, "with that being said, I can't let you off. I'm sorry, but hitting sorry. On the other hand I have a proposition- we'll have to talk to your parents- but there's a place that helps kids like you to become...better" he paused to find a good word to use at the end, which makes me happy anyone else would have said something mean.

As what he said registers I tense up, did he say my parents?

Um, I guess you could say my parents and me don't have the best relationship, and they always get mad at me for getting in trouble. Their not going to be happy when they find out.

"So, Morgan im also asking you about this. Do you want to give it a try" this is gonna be a hard decision.

Pros- I get away from Logan

Cons- new people, I leave my parents

That's all I can think of right now.

I hear Mr. Ford talking and I decide to tune in, "-ave today, I have already contacted the place and they said they would be happy to take now its just up to you and Morgan himself to he is." I turn my head to the side in confusion when he holds the phone to me.

"Your parents, I called them and they want to talk to you." This isn't good.

I put the phone to my ear and I hear mom on the other side, "Morgan, you will go to this place. It's a perfect get rid of you of course. So tell Mr. Ford your going. Now." She hisses out to me.

I nod my head and hand the phone back to him he puts the phone up to his ear but frowns and puts it down.

Guess mom hung up

He raises a eyebrow and I nod again."okay, I'll let Nolan know, I'll send all the information to your parents." He smiles and dismisses me.

I wonder if they'll be nice?

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