A Little Boy's Dream

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It'd been nearly a month sense young Izuku Midoriya had been pronounced quirkless. The boy had only mourned for a day or so when he decided to not give up on his dream of being a hero. He thought "As long as I believe in myself I can be a hero!" but he was dead wrong. The world is a hard and unforgiving place. Even standing up to those with no intent to kill is dangerous when you do not have any sort of power to protect yourself. That's when the idea hit him, "I've always dreamed of being a hero, but I'll never be able to sense I'm quirkless. I'm sure there's many others just like me with a dream they can't fulfill because they're lacking a quirk. That's it! I'll be a new kind of hero! One that doesn't bring justice, but one that creates those for it!"

And so the young boy began collecting all the information on quirks. From studying the basics of how to tell if someone is quirkless or not, types of quirks, real-footage videos, watching first person how hero's fight villains, taking notes on how others quirks work, how they manifested, and even visiting open-to-the-public labs that were studying quirks. By age 10 he knew more about quirks than most adults. He had of course done more studying than just quirks however. Izuku knew that if he wanted to make his dream a reality that meant he would also have to study hard in other subjects.

In middle school he took extra and advanced courses in both math, chemistry, and human biology. The boy truly had a gift. He was top of his class when it came to anything involving the necessary knowledge. Of course there was always people who picked on him. He really paid no attention to them, but there was just one person he could never ignore. Katsuki Bakugou. Izuku's childhood friend. It hurt to see him achieving so many great things that he himself would never be able to. As kids, before Izuku found out he was lacking a quirk, the two boys had always talked about and planned to become great hero's together. Now look where they are, a geeky boy why can't even dress properly nor tie a tie, and a bully who plans to be the number 1 hero.

At school Izuku didn't really have any friends. People ignored him for being quirkless and thought he was weird for his obsession with gaining more and more knowledge. Though he never minded, he did always think that it would be nice to have someone to share his ideas with. He often pondered on this subject but always reached the conclusion that friends were unnecessary and would always distract him from his objective. "Friends are just too big of an inconvenience," he thought, "they are too needy and would just end up getting bored of me sense I would never do anything with them." This was true. For the past 10 years he had barely ever taken a break from his research. The only times he ever really paused his work was on holidays like Christmas and birthdays. The rest of his time he kept himself up in his messy, wall-covered room.

It is nearing the end of the school year and is time to start thinking about high school. Izuku received an offer on recommendations to go to a prestigious school focusing just on scientific development. Of course other subjects will be covered, but this school was specifically created for genius teenagers who want to make scientific history. Japan's High School For the Gifted, or rather JHSG, is the perfect place for a young genius like Izuku. The entrance exam alone is only for the elite but with his brains he's sure to get accepted. The day of the entrance exams have finally arrived and Izuku feels more than confident that he will pass. 

"Just as I expected, these questions are simple compared to some of the things I've been learning." Izuku was one of the first people to be done. It wouldn't have taken him half as long if they didn't ask him to do the problems in certain ways. "Math is stupid in that way," he thought. "Thank you for your time, you will be sent a letter in a matter of weeks if you're accepted." As he was walking home he saw a crowd cheering around a tall, blonde man. To his surprise, standing in the center of the crowd was none other than the number 1 hero All Might. "This is it!" Izuku accidentally shouted out loud. Pushing through the crowd of people he runs up to the hero whom he once admired, but now only cared about for research. "Excuse me! Pardon!" "Ow kid watch it!" "Sorry!" Izuku stood right in front of the tall man. "Excuse me? All Might. Could I-" "AhHAhaha! You looking for an autograph young man?" Before Izuku got the chance to correct him the hero grabbed the notebook from his hands and signed it. "Actually.. All Might, I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions." "Sorry kid, no can do! I've gotta get this evil-do'er to the police." Izuku looked down to see him patting the side of his thigh. In his pockets were what looked to be a pile of mud shoved into a couple of soda bottles. "Y-yes I understand sir, but after do you think you could maybe-" In an instant the hero took off, flying through the air.

"Damn," Izuku mumbled, "He couldn't have just waited a second. God, hero's are so impatient these days." As the crowd cleared Izuku stayed back for a moment. He hung his head low, upset and embarrassed that his plan didn't work out like he thought. As he began to leave the scene he spotted a splotch of something on the ground. As he bent down to take a closer look at it he had realized what it was. "Blood?" he whispered, "but this is where All Might was standing?" He let out a quiet gasp. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his handkerchief. He soaked up as much of the blood as he could and placed it in a plastic baggie that he carried around incase of emergencies. "If this really is All Might's blood then maybe I can figure out how and what his power really is. I mean all we really know about him is that his quirk is a strength boost. He's the number 1 hero yet we barely know anything about him! With this, I can unlock so much information!" Izuku rushed home, excited to experiment with his new found sample.

When he arrived back home he ran straight to his room. "Izuku, sweetie, dinner will be done in 15 minutes!" a sweet voice called from down the hall. "Ok mom!" he yelled back, rolling from the chair he has to a desk that sits in the corner of his room. He began to separate the blood from the handkerchief using special equipment he got a few years ago. As he walked to the dining room to get ready for dinner, the blood prepared itself for testing. "So what scienc-y things are you doing today?" "C'mon mom, you know I'm serious about this stuff." "I know, hun. You know I'm just teasing you. So how did the exams go? Do you think you did well?" "Yeah. They were pretty easy to be honest." "Oh I'm glad. I know you'll get in!" she said cheerfully, "Heh, thanks mom. I appreciate it." After dinner Izuku went back up to his room. The blood had finished extracting. "Good, now I can start testing."

Many tests and notes later Izuku had discovered some very interesting information. For starters: the DNA in the blood sample did match All Might's DNA, however it also matched with 7 others. "What the- who are these people?" After doing further research and looking in old NEWS articles he found that they were all former hero's.. accept for one. One of the people no matter how far he looked into it he couldn't even find a name. There had to be another person, but it's like this person never existed. "What could this mean? Why are there so many people's DNA in here? At first I thought they might be relatives but that doesn't seem to be the case. Their family relations don't match up. This leaves me with one of two conclusions. One: I've just discovered that those who have the same quirks, regardless of being related or not, will share quirk DNA. Or two: All Might's, or shall I say, Toshinori Yagi's quirk is able to be passed down from one person to another. I have greater reason to believe that Option Two is correct as scientists, or even doctors for that matter, would have realized that those with the same quirk share DNA. It has to be Two, there's no way I could be wrong!" Izuku paused for a moment to catch his breath. He glances over to the blood sample sitting over on his desk and then over to his notebooks and post-its handing on his wall. "If this is really the case.. then this might be it! All this time I've been looking for ways to create quirks, but with this I don't have to create them! They're already made for me! AhHahahaha~!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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