Uprising of the Quirk-discriminated and Quirkless

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This story contains suicide mention, Abuse, Discrimination, and violence so reader discretion is advised.

This whole fic was inspired by a video on Tiktok by @oyaoyaoya_03


Everyone crowded around the living room of the 1A dorms watching the news. They had just finished watching the review of a massive fight that broke out in mid-city Tokyo today. Endeavour, Hawks and Miruko were all involved in the fight but luckily the damage was minimal and the villain was apprehended.

News Broadcaster: In other news, A quirkless girl was found dead in her bedroom this morning. The police suspect another suicide which makes it the 3 this week.

Midoriya's eyes began to water as the picture of the young girl popped up on the TV. He went to middle school with her. They had lost contact when she moved. Midoriya quickly wiped his eyes as he listened to everyone talk. 'I mean is it really new worthy. People die every day' Uraraka comments. 'Quirkless people are just a burden to society anyway' Denki says. 'They'll be completely gone in a few generations anyway' Iida says. Midoriya could feel his blood boiling in his body. He thought that once he entered UA things would be different but they weren't. He continued to listen to them hurl insults at the quirkless girl.






Deserve to die...

Izuku finally snapped at that last one. 'Quirkless people didn't choose to be that way! A lot of them would give up anything to be 'normal. They get abused, suicide baited, beaten, bullied, and discriminated against! So just shut the fuck up!' Izuku yelled and everyone was quiet. 'It's not like you can speak from experience' Denki laughed and Izuku looked at the time. 'I would love to tell you how wrong you all are but I have to go' Izuku said grabbing his jacket. He put his mask on and covered his hair before leaving an awe-struck class behind. 'I don't think I've ever seen him snap like that...' Uraraka comments. 'I don't know why he's so defensive about it. It's not like he's quirkless' Jirou says.

Deku walked down the path and flashed his pass at the gate and left UA. No one ever questioned where he went every Wednesday night and nobody really wanted to know. Everyone thought it was so he could get some extra training in or to meet a friend. They couldn't have been less wrong. Izuku walked through the dark street and stopped in front of an old building. He checked nobody had followed before entering the building. He walked down the winding halls and took a deep breath before opening the door.

'Tsuwamono-Sensei!' Someone yelled before throwing themselves at him. Midoriya barely caught them in his arms as he looked down at the 9-year-old girl. 'Hello, Himari-chan! How's school going?' Midoriya questioned. 'Great, I passed my maths test!' She said excitedly. 'That's great but you should go sit on the mat and get ready. Okay?' Midoriya said and the girl ran off. He greeted adults and children alike before heading to the front of the room. 'Hello Everyone!' He said excitedly though his voice was muffled through his mask. Everyone's attention was on him instantly. 'I know most of you would have heard about Yua on the news today. What happened is a tragedy and it hurts our community so much. This is the 3rd person this week including Sora who most of you would've known as he came to a few classes but that only shows that what do here is important. So, for today's class, we are going to work on self-defense' Midoriya says and the children get paired up.

After just under an hour of self-defense practice everyone was gathered on the floor. 'You all did so well today! Just remember that just because you are quirkless doesn't mean you are defenseless. Now, you kids can all go grab a candy from the jar!' Midoriya says as the kids run off. He heads over to the group of adults and mingles with them. 'Today's lesson was great! Bummer about Yua though' One of the adults said. 'How are you holding up? I know you and Yua were close' Another adult questioned. 'I'm fine. It is sad but it only makes this more important but I can't stop thinking about some stuff my friends said over the news announcement. I think we finally need a change' Midoriya says. 'What are you thinking of doing?' Someone else questioned. 'I have an idea. Make sure you all log onto the forums tonight. We are going to change the system'

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