"It's too damn cold for this."

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                Ava's P.O.V

        I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes vigorously. When I opened them, I found myself face to face with my roommate Maggie, who looked particularly displeased. 

         "Ava!"                                                                                                                                                                 I blinked. "Yeah?"                                                                                                                                                     " I need you to go and run an erran for me"                                                                                                         "What?" Seriously? I had just woken up.                                                                                                           "You heard me. I need you to do something for me."                                                                                       I lightly scowled, "What is it? Why can't your "fling" do it for you? What was his name? Bill? Phil? Will?"                                                                                                                                                                    "It's Gil!"                                                                                                                                                                      "Yeah, that guy. Why can't he do it instead?'                                                                             

           Maggie scoffed. "He already went home. He doesn't live on campus and he has a big respiratory test thing in his biology class to study for." Big respiratory test thing. I groaned. All I wanted was to eat some fruity pebbles, watch some Winx Club reruns, and then go back to bed.

        "Come on, Ava! You owe me."                                                                                                                       "I "owe" you?" I furrowed my brow and tilted my head. I had no idea what she was talking about.         "Yes, you owe me. Remember when you locked me out of the apartment about a month ago?"           "No," I lied. Well, it wasn't a complete lie.                                                                                                            "Yes you do! Don't even try to pretend you don't!"                                                                                             I rolled my eyes. "For the last time Maggie, I didn't lock you out. I fell asleep."                                             "It took me almost TWO whole hours to get another key!"                                                                               "Wait, hold up. Another key?"                                                                                                                                 "Uh, yeah. Why did you think I was locked out in the first place? Don't you think If I had a key I would have used it?"                                                                                                                                                           "Oh, well I'm sorry you can't keep track of your personal belongings and that you like to come home at three in the morning while the rest of the world is resting."                                                                         "Ava!"                                                                                                                                                                         I caved, "Fine, what is it?"

        Maggie grinned. God, sometimes she can just be so condescending, even if it isn't warranted.

        "I need you to go down to Arrow's Plate and pick me up a 16 0z. Colombian roast coffee with one cream and two sugars, a dish of cheesy hash brows, tell them to go light on the salt, and a five stack flapjack plate."

        I squinted at her. Hard. "Huh?"                                                                                                                     "I need you to get-"                                                                                                                                                   "No, I got that. But, what? Arrow's Plate? What's that? Where's that?"                                                           "It's just some small rinky dink, family owned diner on the south side of town by the video store."         "I- You can't- uh, why can't you just go yourself?"                                                                                             "I can, but I don't want to. It's cold, also the cook can't make a good pancake to save his life and I don't feel like arguing with him today."                                                                                                                 "But-!"                                                                                                                                                                         "You owe me, Ava"                                                                                                                                                   "Fine"                                                                                                                                                                         "Here," Maggie grabbed my hand and placed a twenty dollar bill in it, "I expect my change back."       "Whatever."

        I got up quickly, not caring to change out of my pajamas. I put on some socks, slipped on my shoes, and grabbed my car keys. "Don't forget to dress warm!" Maggie shouted from the bedroom. "Yeah, yeah!" I shouted back. I let down my hair to put on my winter hat and threw on my coat. After grabbing my phone and shoving it in my coat pocket I finally stepped outside. I immediately shivered. The wind was nasty today. I locked up the apartment and sighed. My breath came out as warm vapor into the cold November air.

        When I got into my car I slammed it shut and sat there for a moment. "It's too damn cold for this."

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Authors note: Hello everyone. Miss McMagichands, here. I just wanted you all to know that I really appreciate you taking time out of you day to read and comment on this fanfic. I've been wanted to write this for such a long time but I suck at typing so my fanfics usually just stay on paper. I promise to try and update once a week, maybe once every two weeks if school and the like interfere. Again, I'd like to thank you for paying this story any mind. Please tell me what you think, I'd love to hear you opinions and suggestions. Constructive criticism is welcomed as well. I do not own Ava's Demon or any of it's characters. All I own is my story line and writing.

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