I wish I was a boy

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I wish I was a boy.

Not because I don't like being a girl, because, I'll have you know, it's fun, being a girl, that is.

It doesn't bother me to be called a girl, or to go by she/her pronouns.

It doesn't bother me to wear dresses or skirts, or to have long hair.

It doesn't bother me, really, but sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder.

What would it be like to be a boy?

I wish I was a boy, so I could cut my hair short and my parents wouldn't care, and I wish I was a boy so that I could have my hair at any length and still look good.

I wish I was a boy, so my mom wouldn't yell at me for wearing pants or shorts or jeans to some official event.

I wish I was a boy, so my mom would stop yelling at me for wearing 'boy clothes' and to wear 'girl clothes'.

I wish I was a boy, so that girls and guys would talk about how handsome I was (I'm not), and so that both 'pretty' and 'handsome' could be applied to me.

I wish I was a boy so that I could like girls without my mom being disgusted by me.

I wish I was a boy, so that I wouldn't get reprimanded for liking video games or for liking action movies.

I wish I was a boy, so nobody would judge me for hating romance.

I wish I was a boy, so that nobody would get suspicious when I tried making friends with the other boys in my class.

I wish I was a boy, so that when I inevitably fail in gym class, nobody will blame it on me being a girl.

I wish I was a boy for all these reason, but mostly, I wish I was a boy, so that I could be who I am without judgement.

I'm not a boy, but yeah,  I wish I was a boy.

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