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A:N: I will be using these following abbreviations and more

. Y/N : your name

. H/C : hair color

. E/C : eye color

. L/N : last name


today was my 1st day of school at the  Françoise Dupont High School, I had just moved to France about a 4 days  ago from America where my father had his own dentist clinic, however I never really got the chance to explore my new surroundings,

transferring to a new school middle semester would seem challenging for other student but honestly I'm used to it,

 teachers at my old schools would say that trouble follows me wherever I go. But that's not true. I go wherever trouble is, I guess I wish my life would become interesting like books, movies and shows but instead I'm stuck with the ordinary life of (Y/N)(L/N).

peddling fast through town I arrived at my new school already late I grabbed my bookbag (that's what people in France use as like backpacks I think correct me if I'm wrong!) and scurried to the large closing doors,

managing to slip through right before crushing me in-between I rushed up the stairs to class 103 and entered loudly, almost tripping I caught my self and took a look around the classroom 

"Class I'd like you to meet your new classmate (Y/N) (L/N)," Miss Bustier introduced

I faced the class confidently with a quick smile and wave,

my eyes scanned the class till locking contact with  bright electric green eyes.

damn that boy fine breaking the eye contact I found my spot in the back.

as the teacher went on with something about negative emotions and relaxing and stuff I glanced over to the blonde hair boy but quickly looked away as he turned slightly to glance back.

But other then the quick peek nothing happened and I was left with two choices 1 listen to what the teacher was saying and die of boredom or 2 not listen to the teacher possibly get a bad grade and sketch in my art book.

yeah I chose number 2


class was finally over! I was ready to sprint out of the class hollering "FINALLYYY" when a girl approached me. 

"Hi I'm Alya its nice to meet you, me and some friends where planning on going to the park right now so if you want to come your welcome to" 

"thanks that'd be great!"

finally a friend!

 swiveling my head in search of the cute blonde boy maybe if I make a good impression on him we could be friends,

with no luck of spotting the boy I hopped right onto my black bike and peddled to the park,

"hey glad you could make it!" Alya said approaching me as I unbuckled my helmet 

"yeah so can you point people out for me so I don't forget?"

"sure, baseball cap boy with headphones is my boyfriend Nino, his bestfriend Adrien with the blonde hair, and Marinette my bestfriend with the bluish hair and pigtails."

"cool" I said staring from afar 

so his name is Adrien...ok 

"hey guys I invited the new girl from class is that ok?" Alya said smiling unsurely

"yeah no its cool dude, nice to meet you dudette" Nino said peering at me 
" thanks" I said smiling letting and out a laugh

ok so here's my understanding of these kids, Nino hip dj type, Alya reporter, direct, straight forward smart kinda girl, Adrien, daddy issues pretty boy, and Marinette, creative artsy baker and school sweetheart.  

ok- compared to these guys I'm a nobody they all have interesting lives and what not 

"so tell us a little about yourself" the blonde asked politely 

"umm well....I moved here from America...and I have 2 siblings..." I said awkwardly

wow great first impression ugh now i sound dull

"g-got any hobbies?" the blunette asked smiling nervously 

 "well I- uh..I like to sketch and I'm not awful and skate boarding" I shrugged casually 

"cool" Adrien said looking at me with a smile I felt my cheeks warm up

"OH so I-I uhmm I baked some makes I MEAN MAKE AHH I MEAN..I- I-....I made cupcakes-"  I chuckled at the blunettes words

I watched as her faced dropped 

"oh my god I'm sorry I wasn't laughing at you its just cute!" I said hoping to not hurt the girls feelings 

"thanks" a smile formed on her face 

"anyways so what we-"

BAM! a large peircing crash echoed 

"RUN!" voices screeched and hollered throughout the air

"what the hell is happening!" I shouted to Alya eyes wide over all the ruckus of noise

"ITS AN AKUMA ATTACK GO FIND A SAFE PLACE TO HIDE!" Alya hollered to me already sprinting away, along side her was Marinette but what seemed most odd was the knowing look the blue belled eye girl gave to her best friend it was like a knowing look almost a whole meaning with one glance.

I bolted to my bike and hopped on quickly speeding through the streets.

 A few feet ahead of me a large explosion impacted the road,

 I swerved and skidded, my bike slid from under me and I fell to the ground with a thud my leg was bleeding from road scrapes 

"ugh" I groaned holding my leg as it stung wincing I tried to stand but fell once more

"HELP!" I shouted 

whelp ok this is it. silently praying in my head that I would be fine and wake up the next day dreading to go to school

two more explosion's indented the road around me 

suddenly a bus went flinging into the air I heard its whistle as it rocketed towards the ground where it would smash me.

I froze. Completely unsure of what to do, I braced my self for the bloody messy pain of impact of the a bus crashing down on me.

something did crash into me a sharp pain was felt and it felt like I was rolling.

wincing I slowly open my eyes 

the sounds of my surroundings rushed back and everything became lively again

a figure was atop of me acting as a human shield assuring my safety 

  I tried to sit up but my back fell to the ground wide eyed I tried to make out who was atop me the figure looked down to me our faces an inch away 

and my eyes immediately focused to the brightest pair of green eyes I'd ever witnessed scanning the face it was for sure a he, blonde hair, with the green eyes and...a black mask...

 OH SHIT ok... damn he's cute...OK OK ENOUGH cut it out your about to die but instead your checking out hot cat boy

"cat noir?" I asked 

I only got a glance and a smirk in response 

acting quickly he grabbed a hold of my waist making me red and stood up "hold on!" he shouted  

I hugged him tight as he leapt through the air..

suddenly my life felt not so boring after all 

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